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adj, beachier or beachiest
covered with gentle sandy slopescharacterized by beaches
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"It's like Kew Gardens on Beachy Head," said Ethel.
She lay almost where she did at first, but not quite; and was turned, by the force of the waves and the winds, almost bottom upward, against a high ridge of beachy, rough sand, but no water about her.
A DISABLED man escaped without serious injury when his car careered over cliffs at a popular suicide spot - then became stuck in trees about 250 feet from the top.: Coastguard rescue teams, police and ambulance crews were called after a member of the public reported seeing the car fly over the cliffs at Beachy Head, East Sussex, at about 1am yesterday.: The man - a paraplegic in his late 60s who had been missing from a local care home - was moved to the foot of the cliffs before being taken to hospital by paramedics.: A Dover Coastguard spokesman said: 'The car was stopped by a line of trees around 250 feet down.
They're not nearly as radical as Bengston himself was as an avatar of the southern California "new artist"--prosperous and beachy instead of abject and pale, garden-party smooth instead of asocial and gnarly, and, above all, automorively well equipped.
Beachy of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., notes in an accompanying article.
Principal battles: the Dunes (near Dunquerque) (1658); Djidjelli (Jijel) (1664); Schooneveldt Bank (at the month of the Schelde), Texel (1673); Stromboli, Agosta (Augusta, Italy), Palermo (1676); Bantry Bay (1689); Beachy Head (1690); Lagos (Portugal) (1693); Vigo (1702).
A MOTHER and her "disabled" fiveyear-old son were yesterday found dead at Beachy Head cliffs.
THE bodies of a man and woman, both from Cardiff, have been found by police at the foot of cliffs at Beachy Head, it was revealed last night.
A HEAD brewer says he cannot not understand the controversy over a festive real ale called the Beachy Head Christmas Jumper.
By HARRIET SNOOkES An investigation was underway last night after a middleaged man leapt 530ft off Beachy Head to his death.
One main group within the movement, the Beachy Amish Mennonites, arose in the 1920s as Amish with automobiles, but moved out of the Old Order stream by the 1950s when automobile ownership became a firm boundary delineating the Old Order.