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(ˈbiːmə) or


(Judaism) variant spellings of bema
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbi mə)

n., pl. -ma•ta (-mə tə) -mas.
1. the enclosed space around the altar in an Eastern church.
2. Also, bimah. a platform in a synagogue for the table used when reading from the Torah.
[1675–85; < Greek bêma step, platform =bē-, variant s. of baínein to step, go + -ma n. suffix of result; (definition 3) (< Yiddish bime) < Hebrew bīmāh < Greek]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Given her tendency to run to the bimah and start dancing, we joke that she might one day become a rabbi.
It is almost one-and-a-half hour's drive from Muscat through the mountain and coastal roads past Quriyat and Bimah Sinkhole.
Other questions posed include: what were the circumstances that led them to being called to the bimah; who taught them how to chant tropes; how did they study this role; what is their listeners' experience; and, finally, how do emerging new practices affect contemporary congregants, congregations, educators, rabbis, and cantors, especially in light of increased accessibility to Torah chant through what might be termed "digital traditions" (software, websites, apps) capable of teaching cantillation to individuals who had never engaged with the live subtleties of biblical chant.
The Bimah, a wooden structure where the religious scrolls of the Torah are read out during services, will also be relocated to Israel.
Many synagogues instituted a flower ceremony into their Shavuot liturgies, in which the confirmants would ritually process to the front of the sanctuary and deposit flowers at the base of the Bimah or the ark.
// Everyone goes inside the shul to sing and dance around the bimah ...
My father, age thirteen, stands alone on the bimah, his back to
As my grandson--tall and handsome-stood at the bimah of the beautiful Sephardic synagogue reading his Torah portion with ease, surrounded by French Jews whose ancestors had fled oppression in Arab lands such as Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, I couldn't help wondering what kind of future awaited him and this wonderful community if their lives as traditional Jews were possible only under heavily armed guard.
The Arabian Gazelle is one of the most prominent animals that abound in the sanctuary, which can be seen easily in the villages of Fins and Bimah in Ras Al Shajar Sanctuary.
Calling himself an "honourary member of the tribe", wearing a yarmulke and standing at the bimah where rabbis chant from the Torah, he told about 1,000 people he would reject a "bad deal" which failed to cut off Iran's ways to developing atomic bombs.
He has done renovations to the interior of Congregation Tifereth Israel, and dedicated refurbishment of the temple's bimah to relatives of his grandmother who died in the Holocaust.