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(kəˈlʊə; ˈkəʊlʊə)
(Astronomy) either of two great circles on the celestial sphere, one of which passes through the celestial poles and the equinoxes and the other through the poles and the solstices
[C16: from Late Latin colūrī (plural), from Greek kolourai cut short, dock-tailed, from kolos docked + oura tail; so called because the view of the lower part is curtailed]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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By Night he fled, and at Midnight return'd From compassing the Earth, cautious of day, Since URIEL Regent of the Sun descri'd His entrance, and forewarnd the Cherubim That kept thir watch; thence full of anguish driv'n, The space of seven continu'd Nights he rode With darkness, thrice the Equinoctial Line He circl'd, four times cross'd the Carr of Night From Pole to Pole, traversing each Colure; On the eighth return'd, and on the Coast averse From entrance or Cherubic Watch, by stealth Found unsuspected way.
"Try the test I told thee of, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "and don't mind any other, for thou knowest nothing about colures, lines, parallels, zodiacs, ecliptics, poles, solstices, equinoxes, planets, signs, bearings, the measures of which the celestial and terrestrial spheres are composed; if thou wert acquainted with all these things, or any portion of them, thou wouldst see clearly how many parallels we have cut, what signs we have seen, and what constellations we have left behind and are now leaving behind.
In one of the deadliest attacks in the history of New Zealand against civilians based on their religion, race, colure, or identity, 49 Muslims have been killed and 48 others were severely wounded when an Australian right-wing extremist opened fire on worshipers in two mosques during the Friday prayer in Christchurch city and livestreamed video of the attack.
He appreciating the author, said that he had selected a good topics to highlight in his book especially FIA laws, cyber crimes and white colure crimes.
It said that with the colure of the woolen mills in Harnai in 2004, a large number of people were left jobless and the economy was badly affected.
The resolution further said that with the colure of Woolen miles in Harnai large number of people rendered jobless and the local economy was badly affected.
Police said that followed by the snatching of massage circulating across the city in police mobile wireless, police have started the checking of suspicious vehicles of the same colure and model.
The main pollutants in effluent are high suspended solids, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), heat colure, acidity and other soluble substance.
He started having fever, myalgia, anorexia, vomiting, jaundice, and colure on July 14, 2016.
investigated two types of food products such as (Bread and Paton Salee) supplemented with different levels of eggplant peel (5%, 10% and 15%) and it was evaluated sensory evaluation where as students from where (taste, colure, flavour, texture, pore and overall acceptability), Patton Salee sample was recorded good results in sensory evaluation more than bread sample, then the group of Patton salee divided into three main groups.