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1. A tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine (Piper cubeba) having spicy, berrylike fruits, heart-shaped leaves, and small flowers in cylindrical spikes.
2. The dried, unripe, berrylike fruit of this plant, used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and commercial flavorings.

[Middle English cubebe, from Old French, from Medieval Latin cubēba, from Arabic dialectal kubāba, variant of Arabic kabāba.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Plants) a SE Asian treelike piperaceous woody climbing plant, Piper cubeba, with brownish berries
2. (Biochemistry) the unripe spicy fruit of this plant, dried and used as a stimulant and diuretic and sometimes smoked in cigarettes
[C14: from Old French cubebe, from Medieval Latin cubēba, from Arabic kubābah]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkyu bɛb)

the spicy fruit of an East Indian climbing shrub, Piper cubeba, of the pepper family.
[1250–1300; Middle English cucube < Anglo-French, Middle French < Medieval Latin cubēba < Arabic kubābah (classical Arabic kabābah)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cubeb - spicy fruit of the cubeb vinecubeb - spicy fruit of the cubeb vine; when dried and crushed is used medicinally or in perfumery and sometimes smoked in cigarettes
cubeb cigarette, cubeb - a cigarette containing cubeb
fruit - the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant
cubeb vine, Java pepper, Piper cubeba, cubeb - tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy berrylike fruits
2.cubeb - tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy berrylike fruits
genus Piper, Piper - type genus of the Piperaceae: large genus of chiefly climbing tropical shrubs
pepper vine, true pepper - any of various shrubby vines of the genus Piper
cubeb - spicy fruit of the cubeb vine; when dried and crushed is used medicinally or in perfumery and sometimes smoked in cigarettes
3.cubeb - a cigarette containing cubeb
cigaret, cigarette, coffin nail - finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking
cubeb - spicy fruit of the cubeb vine; when dried and crushed is used medicinally or in perfumery and sometimes smoked in cigarettes
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
The recipe incorporates each of the following Raasay and traditional botanicals: juniper berries, rhubarb root, lemon peel, orange peel, coriander seeds, angelica root, liquorice root, orris root, cubeb pepper and tripledistilled Raasay spirit.
13), and he mentions sufala repeatedly as a source of Southeast Asian substances such as nutmeg, mace, cardamom, and cubeb, none of which is South African.
A combination of culinary botanicals reflects the wide variety of cultures that make DTLA home: smoky lapsang souchong tea, Sichuan peppercorn, star anise, lemon balm, lemongrass, ancho chile, cubeb, spearmint, black cumin, and cardamom.
Named as a tribute to its Australian distiller, who created the spirit after moving to the London borough of Hackey at door number 58, this gin combines the finest British wheat spirit in traditional alembic pot stills with nine carefully selected botanicals sourced from across the globe - including juniper, coriander seed and Cubeb Peppers.
Evaluation of seven essential oils identifies cubeb oil as most effective attractant for detection of Xyleborus glabratus.
Vicco Vajradanti Ayurvedic Toothpaste, for instance, contains therapeutic ingredients including babool bark, Indian medlar, blackberry, cloves, Bengal madder, jujube bark, walnut bark, mayweed plant, Indian liquorice root, bishop's weed, cinnamon, cutch tree bark, sappan wood, chebulic myrobalan, vajradanti bark, Indian sarsaparilla, Indian gooseberry, berelic myrobalans, cubeb and oak, says Pendharkar.
LAUNCHED IN 1987, BOMBAY SAPPHIRE London Dry Gin is flavored using 10 ingredients: almond, lemon peel, liquorice, juniper berries, orris root, angelica, coriander, cassia, cubeb and grains of paradise.
Cubeb peppercorns (above) are grown in Java and Sumatra, and are harvested with their stalks ('tails') -- they are not too hot, and nutmeg- like in flavour.
Chiliheads will find their favorite peppers well represented in this cookbook, but other heat sources are explored too, including galangal, horseradish, cubeb, long pepper, and the delightfully named grains of paradise.
The Florida Department of Agriculture now monitors for RAB with traps containing cubeb oil lures.
Opihr Gin was developed to epitomize the exotic intensity of the Orient, combining high-quality gin from England's oldest distillery, with hand-picked botanicals including coriander from Morocco, black pepper from India and spicy cubeb berries from Indonesia.