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tr.v. de·faced, de·fac·ing, de·fac·es
1. To mar or spoil the appearance or surface of; disfigure.
2. To impair the usefulness, value, or influence of.
3. Obsolete To obliterate; destroy.

[Middle English defacen, from Old French desfacier : des-, de- + face, face; see face.]

de·face′a·ble adj.
de·face′ment n.
de·fac′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
In this research we present a set of methods that demonstrate the ability to map sets of phishing attacks to a defacer. Investigators and law enforcement can use the data captured through this research to help prioritize their investigations.
Perhaps the defacer is part of the law school community.
represents a type of the "eternal feminine"--the guardian of the hearth, the avenger of its wrongs upon the defacer and the despoiler.
The bothersome beetle was not the only defacer of Worcester over the past year.
How about the mayor taking a ride-along with the local police to see if he can find a defacer in the act?
For example: Young heroes save cosmos from monstrous defacer"-- I guess that sufficiently recaps this "spacer."
The widely-publicised Defacer's Challenge failed to vandalise any major websites, instead it was the internet's backwater of small, unsecured sites that took the brunt of the graffiti.
This only depends you defacer! The time of the challenge will have duration maximum of six hours.
Suffice it to say that as a "foul defacer of God's handiwork," Richard acts from experience as a man whom God long ago defaced.