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tr.v. es·ti·mat·ed, es·ti·mat·ing, es·ti·mates
1. To calculate approximately (the amount, extent, magnitude, position, or value of something).
2. To form an opinion about; evaluate: "While an author is yet living we estimate his powers by his worst performance" (Samuel Johnson).
n. (-mĭt)
a. A tentative evaluation or rough calculation, as of worth, quantity, or size: an estimate of the damage caused by the storm.
b. A statement of the approximate cost of work to be done, such as a building project or car repairs.
2. A judgment based on one's impressions; an opinion: I have a high estimate of his character.

[Latin aestimāre, aestimāt-.]

es′ti·ma′tive adj.
es′ti·ma′tor n.
Synonyms: estimate, appraise, assess, evaluate, rate1
These verbs have to do with the consideration of judgment in ascertaining value or weighing the relative merits of something: estimated the street value of the drugs to be $500,000; appraised the diamond ring; assessing real estate for investors; evaluated a student's thesis for content and organization; rated the restaurant higher than any other in the city.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Surveying) to form an approximate idea of (distance, size, cost, etc); calculate roughly; gauge
2. (tr; may take a clause as object) to form an opinion about; judge: to estimate one's chances.
3. (Commerce) to submit (an approximate price) for (a job) to a prospective client
4. (Statistics) (tr) statistics to assign a value (a point estimate) or range of values (an interval estimate) to a parameter of a population on the basis of sampling statistics. See estimator
5. an approximate calculation
6. (Commerce) a statement indicating the likely charge for or cost of certain work
7. a judgment; appraisal; opinion
[C16: from Latin aestimāre to assess the worth of, of obscure origin]
ˈestimative adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(v. ˈɛs təˌmeɪt; n. -mɪt, -ˌmeɪt)

v. -mat•ed, -mat•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the worth, amount, size, weight, etc., of; calculate approximately: to estimate costs.
2. to form an opinion of; judge.
3. to make an estimate.
4. an approximate judgment or calculation, as of the value, amount, time, size, or weight of something.
5. a judgment or opinion, as of the qualities of a person or thing.
6. a statement of the approximate charge for work to be done, submitted by a person or firm ready to undertake the work.
[1525–35; < Latin aestimātus, past participle of aestimāre to value, estimate; see -ate1]
es′ti•ma`tive, adj.
es′ti•ma`tor, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. An analysis of a foreign situation, development, or trend that identifies its major elements, interprets the significance, and appraises the future possibilities and the prospective results of the various actions that might be taken.
2. An appraisal of the capabilities, vulnerabilities, and potential courses of action of a foreign nation or combination of nations in consequence of a specific national plan, policy, decision, or contemplated course of action.
3. An analysis of an actual or contemplated clandestine operation in relation to the situation in which it is or would be conducted in order to identify and appraise such factors as available as well as needed assets and potential obstacles, accomplishments, and consequences. See also intelligence estimate.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


Past participle: estimated
Gerund: estimating

I estimate
you estimate
he/she/it estimates
we estimate
you estimate
they estimate
I estimated
you estimated
he/she/it estimated
we estimated
you estimated
they estimated
Present Continuous
I am estimating
you are estimating
he/she/it is estimating
we are estimating
you are estimating
they are estimating
Present Perfect
I have estimated
you have estimated
he/she/it has estimated
we have estimated
you have estimated
they have estimated
Past Continuous
I was estimating
you were estimating
he/she/it was estimating
we were estimating
you were estimating
they were estimating
Past Perfect
I had estimated
you had estimated
he/she/it had estimated
we had estimated
you had estimated
they had estimated
I will estimate
you will estimate
he/she/it will estimate
we will estimate
you will estimate
they will estimate
Future Perfect
I will have estimated
you will have estimated
he/she/it will have estimated
we will have estimated
you will have estimated
they will have estimated
Future Continuous
I will be estimating
you will be estimating
he/she/it will be estimating
we will be estimating
you will be estimating
they will be estimating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been estimating
you have been estimating
he/she/it has been estimating
we have been estimating
you have been estimating
they have been estimating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been estimating
you will have been estimating
he/she/it will have been estimating
we will have been estimating
you will have been estimating
they will have been estimating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been estimating
you had been estimating
he/she/it had been estimating
we had been estimating
you had been estimating
they had been estimating
I would estimate
you would estimate
he/she/it would estimate
we would estimate
you would estimate
they would estimate
Past Conditional
I would have estimated
you would have estimated
he/she/it would have estimated
we would have estimated
you would have estimated
they would have estimated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.estimate - an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worthestimate - an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth; "an estimate of what it would cost"; "a rough idea how long it would take"
scalage - estimation of the amount of lumber in a log
figuring, reckoning, calculation, computation - problem solving that involves numbers or quantities
credit rating, credit - an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
dead reckoning, guessing, guesswork, guess, shot - an estimate based on little or no information
guesstimate, guestimate - an estimate that combines reasoning with guessing
overrating, overreckoning, overestimate, overestimation - a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
underestimate, underestimation, underrating, underreckoning - an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value
2.estimate - a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody; "many factors are involved in any estimate of human life"; "in my estimation the boy is innocent"
judgment, assessment, judgement - the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants"
appraisal - an expert estimation of the quality, quantity, and other characteristics of someone or something
capitalisation, capitalization - an estimation of the value of a business
3.estimate - a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)
commercial document, commercial instrument - a document of or relating to commerce
overappraisal, overestimate, overestimation, overvaluation - an appraisal that is too high
4.estimate - a statement indicating the likely cost of some job; "he got an estimate from the car repair shop"
statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"
5.estimate - the respect with which a person is held; "they had a high estimation of his ability"
esteem, respect, regard - an attitude of admiration or esteem; "she lost all respect for him"
reputation, report - the general estimation that the public has for a person; "he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing"; "he was a person of bad report"
Verb1.estimate - judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)estimate - judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time); "I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds"
compute, calculate, cipher, cypher, figure, reckon, work out - make a mathematical calculation or computation
quantise, quantize - approximate (a signal varying continuously in amplitude) by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of discrete values
misgauge - gauge something incorrectly or improperly
put, place, set - estimate; "We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M."
give - estimate the duration or outcome of something; "He gave the patient three months to live"; "I gave him a very good chance at success"
lowball, underestimate - make a deliberately low estimate; "The construction company wanted the contract badly and lowballed"
assess - estimate the value of (property) for taxation; "Our house hasn't been assessed in years"
make - calculate as being; "I make the height about 100 feet"
reckon, count - take account of; "You have to reckon with our opponents"; "Count on the monsoon"
truncate - approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one; "truncate a series"
guesstimate - estimate based on a calculation
overestimate, overrate - make too high an estimate of; "He overestimated his own powers"
lowball, underestimate - make a deliberately low estimate; "The construction company wanted the contract badly and lowballed"
2.estimate - judge to be probable
pass judgment, evaluate, judge - form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
take into account, allow - allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; "I allow for this possibility"; "The seamstress planned for 5% shrinkage after the first wash"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. calculate roughly, value, guess, judge, reckon, assess, evaluate, gauge, number, appraise His personal riches were estimated at over £8 million.
2. think, believe, consider, rate, judge, hold, rank, guess, reckon, assess, conjecture, surmise Officials estimate it will be two days before electricity is restored to the island.
1. approximate calculation, guess, reckoning, assessment, judgment, evaluation, valuation, appraisal, educated guess, guesstimate (informal), rough calculation, ballpark figure (informal), approximate cost, approximate price, ballpark estimate (informal), appraisement This figure is five times the original estimate.
2. assessment, opinion, belief, appraisal, evaluation, conjecture, appraisement, judgment, estimation, surmise I was wrong in my estimate of his capabilities.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To calculate approximately:
2. To make a judgment as to the worth or value of:
1. The act or result of judging the worth or value of something or someone:
2. A rough or tentative calculation:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَقْديرتَقْدِيريُقَدِّر، يُخَمِّنيُقَيِّمُيُقَيِّم، يُثَمِّنُ عالِياً
áætla, gera sér hugmynd umkostnaîaráætlunmeta, áætla
apskaičiavimaiapytikriai apskaičiuotinuomonėsąmata
sự ước tínhước tính


A. N
1. (= judgment) → estimación f, cálculo m; (= approximate assessment) (for work etc) → presupuesto m
to form an estimate of sth/sbformarse una opinión de algo/algn
to give sb an estimate of [+ cost etc] → presentar a algn un presupuesto de
rough estimatecálculo m aproximativo
at a rough estimateaproximadamente
2. Estimates (Parl) → presupuestos mpl generales del Estado
B. [ˈestɪmeɪt] VT (= judge) → calcular aproximadamente; (= assess) → juzgar, estimar
to estimate thatcalcular que
to estimate the cost atcalcular el precio en ...
C. [ˈestɪmeɪt] VI to estimate for [+ building work etc] → hacer un presupuesto de
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= approximate calculation) → estimation f
at a rough estimate → approximativement
(= assessment) → appréciation f
(= statement of likely cost) → devis m
to give sb an estimate → faire un devis à qn, donner un devis à qn
[ˈɛstɪmeɪt] vt [+ speed, amount] → estimer
to be estimated at → être estimé(e) à
The damage was estimated at 300 million pounds → Les dégâts étaient estimés à 300 millions de livres.
to estimate (that) → estimer que
They estimated it would take three weeks → Ils ont estimé que cela prendrait trois semaines.
[ˈɛstɪmeɪt] vi (British) to estimate for sth (= bid for) → faire un devis pour qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= approximate calculation)Schätzung f; (= valuation: by antique dealer etc) → Taxierung f; what’s your estimate of our chances of success?wie schätzen Sie unsere Erfolgschancen ein?; £100/it is just an estimate£ 100/das ist nur geschätzt; at a rough estimategrob geschätzt, über den Daumen gepeilt (inf); at a conservative estimatevorsichtig geschätzt; at the lowest estimatemindestens, wenigstens
(Comm, of cost) → (Kosten)voranschlag m; to get an estimateeinen (Kosten)voranschlag einholen
estimates pl (= government costs)Haushalt m, → Budget nt
vt cost, price(ein)schätzen; distance, speedschätzen; his wealth is estimated at …sein Vermögen wird auf … geschätzt; I estimate she must be 40ich schätze sie auf 40, ich schätze, dass sie 40 ist; estimated time of arrivalvoraussichtliche Ankunft; estimated time of departurevoraussichtliche Abfahrt; (Aviat) → voraussichtlicher Abflug
vischätzen; I’m just estimatingdas schätze ich nur
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[n ˈɛstɪmɪt; vb ˈɛstiˌmeɪt]
1. n (judgment) → valutazione f, stima (Comm) (for work to be done) → preventivo
to give sb an estimate of → fare a qn un preventivo (or una stima) di
at a rough estimate → ad un calcolo approssimativo
2. vtvalutare, stimare (Comm) → preventivare
we estimate the cost to be £150 → preventiviamo un costo di circa 150 sterline
3. vi (Comm) to estimate forfare il preventivo per
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈestimeit) verb
1. to judge size, amount, value etc, especially roughly or without measuring. He estimated that the journey would take two hours.
2. to form an idea or judgement of how good etc something is. I estimated my chances of escape as very good.
(-mət) noun
a calculation (eg of the probable cost etc of something). He gave us an estimate of the cost of repairing the stonework; a rough estimate.
ˌestiˈmation noun
judgement; opinion. In my estimation, he is the more gifted artist of the two.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَقْدِير, يُقَيِّمُ odhad, odhadnout skøn, skønne schätzen, Schätzung εκτίμηση, υπολογίζω calcular, cálculo aproximado arvio, arvioida estimation, estimer procijeniti, procjena stima, stimare 見積もり, 見積もる 견적, 추정하다 schatten, schatting anslå, kostnadsoverslag oszacować, oszacowanie estimar, estimativa оценивать, оценка uppskatta, uppskattning การประเมิน, ประมาณ tahmin, tahminde bulunmak sự ước tính, ước tính 估计
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
I would have you investigate it now with the sole view of forming to yourself some unexaggerated, intelligent estimate of whatever battering-ram power may be lodged there.
"It may be replied, perhaps, that slaves are not included in the estimate of representatives in any of the States possessing them.
"To estimate properly, for example," he said, "the influence to be exercised on mankind at large by the thorough diffusion of Democracy, the distance of the epoch at which such diffusion may possibly be accomplished should not fail to form an item in the estimate.
But a wiser man has arisen--the census taker--and his larger estimate of human interest has been preferred in marking out the field of these little stories of the "Four Million."
Professor Ramsay has given me the maximum thickness, in most cases from actual measurement, in a few cases from estimate, of each formation in different parts of Great Britain; and this is the result:-
When a general, unable to estimate the enemy's strength, allows an inferior force to engage a larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one, and neglects to place picked soldiers in the front rank, the result must be rout.
"Two estimates of life--the estimate which is the offspring of the scientific spirit, and which is for ever making the visible world fairer and more desirable in mortal eyes; and the estimate of Saint Augustine."
The citizens of the United States find this relic of the good old times of great use in raising their national estimate of the value of republican institutions.
He can correct his author at a dozen points and estimate the value of these warnings by the standard of a decade of realities.
After these preparations he signified that the two men should be brought before him, and greeted them with this salutation: "What sort of a king do I seem to you to be, O strangers?' The Lying Traveler replied, "You seem to me a most mighty king." "And what is your estimate of those you see around me?' "These," he made answer, "are worthy companions of yourself, fit at least to be ambassadors and leaders of armies." The Ape and all his court, gratified with the lie, commanded that a handsome present be given to the flatterer.
Taking into consideration the mean of observations made at divers times-- rejecting the timid estimate of those who assigned to this object a length of two hundred feet, equally with the exaggerated opinions which set it down as a mile in width and three in length--we might fairly conclude that this mysterious being surpassed greatly all dimensions admitted by the learned ones of the day, if it existed at all.
To console Pierre for these losses the head steward gave him an estimate showing that despite these losses his income would not be diminished but would even be increased if he refused to pay his wife's debts which he was under no obligation to meet, and did not rebuild his Moscow house and the country house on his Moscow estate, which had cost him eighty thousand rubles a year and brought in nothing.