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v. cried (krīd), cry·ing, cries (krīz)
1. To shed tears, especially as a result of strong emotion such as grief, sorrow, pain, or joy.
2. To call loudly; shout.
3. To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal.
4. To demand or require immediate action or remedy: grievances crying out for redress.
1. To utter loudly; call out.
2. To proclaim or announce in public: crying one's wares in the marketplace.
3. To bring into a particular condition by weeping: cry oneself to sleep.
4. Archaic To beg for; implore: cry forgiveness.
n. pl. cries (krīz)
1. A loud utterance of an emotion, such as fear, anger, or despair.
2. A loud exclamation; a shout or call.
3. A fit of weeping: had a good long cry.
4. An urgent entreaty or appeal.
5. A public or general demand or complaint.
6. A common view or general report.
7. An advertising of wares by calling out: vendors' cries at the fish market.
8. A rallying call or signal: a cry to arms.
9. A slogan, especially a political one.
10. The characteristic call or utterance of an animal.
a. The baying of hounds during the chase.
b. A pack of hounds.
12. Obsolete Clamor; outcry.
13. Obsolete A public announcement; a proclamation.
Phrasal Verbs:
cry down
To belittle or disparage.
cry off
To break or withdraw from a promise, agreement, or undertaking.
cry up
To praise highly; extol.
cry havoc
To sound an alarm; warn.
cry (one's) eyes/heart out
To weep inconsolably for a long time.
cry on (someone's) shoulder
To tell one's problems to someone else in an attempt to gain sympathy or consolation.
cry over spilled milk
To regret in vain what cannot be undone or rectified.
cry wolf
To raise a false alarm.
for crying out loud
Used to express annoyance or astonishment: Let's get going, for crying out loud!
in full cry
In hot pursuit, as hounds hunting.

[Middle English crien, from Old French crier, from Vulgar Latin *critāre, from Latin quirītāre, to cry out, perhaps from Quirītēs, public officers to whom one would cry out in times of need.]
Synonyms: cry, weep, wail, bawl, keen2, sob, blubber1
These verbs mean to express strong emotion, such as grief, misery, or pain, by shedding tears or making inarticulate sounds. Cry and weep both involve the shedding of tears: "She cried without trying to suppress any of the noisier manifestations of grief and confusion" (J. D. Salinger). "I weep for what I'm like when I'm alone" (Theodore Roethke).
Wail and bawl refer to loud sustained utterance, as in grief, misery, or fear: "The women ... began to wail together; they mourned with shrill cries" (Joseph Conrad)."Her voice was always hoarse. Her Dad said this was because she had bawled so much when she was a baby" (Carson McCullers).
Keen refers more specifically to wailing and lamentation for the dead: "It is the wild Irish women keening over their dead" (George A. Lawrence).
Sob describes weeping or a mixture of broken speech and weeping marked by convulsive breathing or gasping: "sobbing and crying, and wringing her hands as if her heart would break" (Laurence Sterne).
Blubber refers to noisy shedding of tears accompanied by broken or inarticulate speech: "When he drew out what had been a fiddle, crushed to morsels in the greatcoat, he blubbered aloud" (Emily Brontë).

click for a larger image
top: cross section of a human eye
A. vitreous humor
B. optic nerve
C. fovea centralis
D. retina
E. choroid
F. sclera
G. cornea
H. aqueous humor
I. pupil
J. iris
K. lens
bottom: the eye of hurricane Catarina, off the coast of Brazil in 2004, as seen from the International Space Station


1. An organ of vision or of light sensitivity.
a. Either of a pair of hollow structures located in bony sockets of the skull, functioning together or independently, each having a lens capable of focusing incident light on an internal photosensitive retina from which nerve impulses are sent to the brain; the vertebrate organ of vision.
b. The external, visible portion of this organ together with its associated structures, especially the eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows.
c. The pigmented iris of this organ.
3. The faculty of seeing; vision.
4. The ability to make intellectual or aesthetic judgments: has a good eye for understated fashion.
a. A way of regarding something; a point of view: To my eye, the decorations are excellent.
b. Attention: The lavish window display immediately got my eye.
c. Watchful attention or supervision: always under his boss's eye; kept an eye on her valuables.
6. Something suggestive of the vertebrate organ of vision, especially:
a. An opening in a needle.
b. The aperture of a camera.
c. A loop, as of metal, rope, or thread.
d. A circular marking on a peacock's feather.
e. Chiefly Southern US The round flat cover over the hole on the top of a wood-burning stove. Also called regionally cap1, griddle.
7. A photosensitive device, such as a photoelectric cell.
8. Botany
a. A bud on a twig or tuber: the eye of a potato.
b. The often differently colored center of the corolla of some flowers.
a. Meteorology The circular area of relative calm at the center of a cyclone.
b. The center or focal point of attention or action: right in the eye of the controversy.
10. Informal A detective, especially a private investigator.
11. A choice center cut of meat, as of beef: eye of the round.
tr.v. eyed, eye·ing or ey·ing (ī′ĭng), eyes
1. To look at: eyed the passing crowd with indifference.
2. To watch closely: eyed the shark's movements.
3. To supply with an eye.
all eyes
Fully attentive.
an eye for an eye
Punishment in which an offender suffers what the victim has suffered.
clap/lay/set (one's) eyes on
To look at.
eye to eye
In agreement: We're eye to eye on all the vital issues.
have eyes for
To be interested in.
have (one's) eye on
1. To look at, especially attentively or continuously.
2. To have as one's objective.
in the eye of the wind Nautical
In a direction opposite that of the wind; close to the wind.
in the public eye
1. Frequently seen in public or in the media.
2. Widely publicized; well-known.
my eye Slang
In no way; not at all. Used interjectionally.
with an eye to
With a view to: redecorated the room with an eye to its future use as a nursery.
with (one's) eyes closed
Unaware of the risks involved.
with (one's) eyes open
Aware of the risks involved.

[Middle English, from Old English ēge, ēage; see okw- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pl n
(Nautical Terms) nautical the part of the bows of a ship that are furthest forward at the level of the main deck
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


color blindness. Also called acritochromacy.
a form of color blindness characterized by the inability to see blue.
a defect of the eyesight in which the images on the retinas are different in size. — aniseikonic, adj.
a defect of the eyesight in which each eye has a different power to refract light. Cf. isometropia. — anisometropic, adj.
a defect in a lens, eye, or mirror that causes rays from one direction not to focus at one point. — astigmatic, adj.
twitching of the eyelids.
soreness or inflammation of the eyelids.
Pathology. a drooping of the upper eyelid.
an eyewash or other liquid preparation for the eyes. See also remedies.
inflammation of the conjunctiva.
red-green color blindness.
a defect of the eyesight in which the retina does not respond to green. — deuteranope, n. — deuteranopic, adj.
a form of color blindness in which the sufferer can perceive only two of the three primary colors.
an instrument for measuring the refractive index of the lens of the eye.
color blindness.
the normal refractive function of the eye in which light is focused exactly on the retina with the eye relaxed. — emmetropic, adj.
a condition of the eyes in which while one eye focuses on the object viewed the other eye turns inward; cross-eye.
a disease of the eyes, in which the pressure inside the eyeball increases, often resulting in blindness. — glaucomatous, adj.
a condition of the eyes in which the sufferer can see clearly at night but has impaired vision during the day; day blindness.
the condition of farsightedness. Also called hyperopia. — hypermetropic, adj.
hypermetropia. — hyperopic, adj.
a persistent, abnormal retraction of the eyelid so that the eyeball is not covered during sleep. — lagophthalmic, adj.
Surgery. the making of an artificial pupil in the eye by transverse division of iris fibers.
the state or quality of the eyes being equal in refraction. Cf. anisometropia.
an inflamed condition of the cornea.
the surgical process of corneal grafting.
the process of surgical incision of the cornea.
a lacrymal vase or small vessel for storing shed tears.
an instrument for testing the eyes to determine the ability to distinguish variations in color or intensity of light.
the development of leucoma, a whitish clouding of the cornea caused by ulceration.
soreness of the eyes; a bleary-eyed condition.
study or examination of an object with the naked eye as contrasted with examination under the microscope.
a defect of the eyesight in which what is viewed is greatly magnified.
darkness or blackness of eyes, hair, or complexion.
abnormal constriction of the pupil of the eye, caused by drugs or illness. Cf. mydriasis. — miotic, myotic, adj.
a defect of the eyesight in which vision is best when only one eye is open.
a defect in which the retina cannot perceive color.
abnormal dilatation of the pupil, the result of disease or the use of certain drugs. Cf. miosis. — mydriatic, adj.
the condition of nearsightedness. — myopic, adj.
the ability, sometimes pretended, to sight ships or land at great distances.
the process of winking or blinking rapidly, as in certain birds or animals or as the result of a tic in humans.
a condition of the eyes in which the sufferer can see clearly during the day or in bright light but has impaired vision at night or in poor light; night blindness.
uncontrollable and rapid movement of the eyeball in any direction. — nystagmic, adj.
a physician who specializes in ophthalmology.
an abnormal fear of eyes.
the branch of medical science that studies the eyes, their diseases and defects. — ophthalmologist, n. — ophthalmologic, ophthalmological, adj.
a person who makes and sells glasses according to prescriptions prepared by an oculist or optometrist.
an image on the retina caused by bleaching of the pupils.
the act or practice of reproducing optograms.
Archaic. the testing of the eyes for lenses.
the practice or profession of testing eyes for defects in vision and the prescribing of corrective glasses. — optometrist, n. — optometrical, adj.
type used in the testing of eyesight.
the art of treating visual defects by exercise and retraining in Visual habits. — orthoptist, n. — orthoptic, adj.
an extremely heightened acuteness of the eyesight, resulting from increased sensibility of the retina.
an optical device that enables the viewer to converge the optical axes of the eyes and experience some of the phenomena of binocular vision.
pain in the eyes caused by light.
an abnormal fear of photalgia.
vision, or the ability to see in bright light. Cf. scotopia. — photopic, adj.
multiple vision; the seeing of one object as more than one.
a form of farsightedness that occurs in old age. Also called presbyopia, presbytia. Cf. hypermetropia. — presbytic, adj.
a defect of the eyesight in which the retina does not respond to red. — protanope, n. — protanopic, adj.
a method of determining the refractive error of an eye using an ophthalmoscope to illuminate the retina through the lens of the eye. Also called skiascopy. — retinoscopist, n.
vision in dim light or darkness. Cf. photopia. — scotopic, adj.
the inability of both eyes to focus on one object thereby producing the effect of squinting or cross-eyes. Also called strabismus. — strabismal, strabismic, adj.
a diseased condition characterized by adhesion, especially the adhesion of the iris to the cornea.
a contagious form of conjunctivitis, with the formation of inflammatory granules on the inner surface of the eyelid. — trachomatous, adj.
a condition in which the hair, especially of the eyelashes, grows inward.
a defect of the eyesight in which the retina does not respond to blue and yellow. — tritanope, n. — tritanopic, adj.
an inflamed condition of the uvea. — uveitic, adj.
a form of color blindness in which only yellows and blue can be perceived.
a form of conjunctivitis, the result of a deficiency of vitamin A, marked by a dry and dull condition of the eyeball. Also called xeroma.
abnormal dryness, as of the eyes or skin. Also called xeransis. — xerotic, adj.
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.eyes - opinion or judgmenteyes - opinion or judgment; "in the eyes of the law"; "I was wrong in her eyes"
opinion, persuasion, sentiment, thought, view - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
A minute later he was at the entrance, peering in at us with his inflamed eyes and raging like a demon.
His eyes lighted on a big headline, with a brief five lines under it.
Bleeding and coughing, already stricken, he sprang at the elder and fought while life faded from him, his legs going weak beneath him, the light of day dulling on his eyes, his blows and springs falling shorter and shorter.
Noirtier's hair was long and white, and flowed over his shoulders; while in his eyes, shaded by thick black lashes, was concentrated, as it often happens with an organ which is used to the exclusion of the others, all the activity, address, force, and intelligence which were formerly diffused over his whole body; and so although the movement of the arm, the sound of the voice, and the agility of the body, were wanting, the speaking eye sufficed for all.
Fledgeby's small eyes opened so wide that they might have passed for ordinary-sized eyes, as he stared about him for the very young person whom he supposed to be in question.
She involuntarily closed her eyes again, but in vain; she fancied that she still saw through the rosy lids that gnome's mask, one-eyed and gap-toothed.
The savage light died from his eyes, and as the stranger stepped forward toward Korak, Tantor trailed docilely at his heels.
He then directed his eyes along the ground to those several places where Ishmael had found the same revolting evidences of the passage of some bloody struggle, and motioned to his people to follow.
"Let me introduce my brother to you," said Helene, her eyes shifting uneasily from Natasha to Anatole.
But there were others who saw, and now and again, glancing at those about him, he noted two young girls who looked back from the row in front, a dozen seats along, and who smiled at him with bold eyes. He had always been easy-going.
Bumble sat in the workhouse parlour, with his eyes moodily fixed on the cheerless grate, whence, as it was summer time, no brighter gleam proceeded, than the reflection of certain sickly rays of the sun, which were sent back from its cold and shining surface.
Many patterns of carpet lay rolled out before them on the floor--two of Brussels showed the beginning of their quest, and its ending in that direction; while a score of ingrains lured their eyes and prolonged the debate between desire pocket-book.