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(fɜːˈmɑːn; ˈfɜː-)
1. an edict of an Oriental sovereign
2. any authoritative grant of permission
[C17: from Persian fermān]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
You must get a firman and hurry there the first thing.
`Take courage, Vasiliki,' said he; `to-day arrives the firman of the master, and my fate will be decided.
Do you see this firman?' -- `I do,' said my father.
Hassan receives and places on his head the dread firman. A ghastly terror seizes him, while on the Negro's face (it is Mesrour again in another costume) appears a ghastly joy.
Firman, in 1879; but he became a farmer and forsook his invention in its infancy.
Results included silver medals for William Firman, Charlie Jones, Jake Hartley, Kai Tipling and Henry Chapman.
CONOR FIRMAN believes "down and out" Wexford still have a great chance of capturing the All-Ireland under-21 hurling title.
The head of the Philippine Olympic Committee Athletes Commission clocked two hours and 50 seconds during the swim-bike-run test of endurance and was already cooling down when Indonesians Jauhari Johan and Muhammad Ahlul Firman checked in.
Kenneth Firman is on the right track after I secured him a refund for train tickets.
Closing a station, even temporarily, decision Lee Firman, Operations In a statement the RNLI said: "The charity has decided to stand down several volunteers who have refused to commit to the standards required of all RNLI volunteers, which means that New Brighton will not be able to operate safely in the short term.