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1. A row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary.
2. A line of people or objects forming a barrier: a hedge of spectators along the sidewalk.
a. A means of protection or defense, especially against financial loss: a hedge against inflation.
b. A securities transaction that reduces the risk on an existing investment position.
4. An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement.
5. A word or phrase, such as possibly or I think, that mitigates or weakens the certainty of a statement.
v. hedged, hedg·ing, hedg·es
1. To enclose or bound with or as if with hedges.
2. To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.
3. To minimize or protect against the loss of by counterbalancing one transaction, such as a bet, against another.
1. To plant or cultivate hedges.
2. To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.
3. To avoid making a clear, direct response or statement.

[Middle English, from Old English hecg.]

hedg′er n.
hedg′y adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hedger - a respondent who avoids giving a clear direct answer
answerer, responder, respondent - someone who responds
2.hedger - someone who counterbalances one transaction (as a bet) against another in order to protect against loss
plunger, speculator - someone who risks losses for the possibility of considerable gains
3.hedger - a gardener who takes care of and trims hedges
gardener - someone employed to work in a garden
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
He wore thick shoes, and thick leather gaiters, and thick gloves like a hedger's.
He was in the habit of pausing for a cautious, vaguely designing chat with every hedger or ditcher on his way, and was especially willing to listen even to news which he had heard before, feeling himself at an advantage over all narrators in partially disbelieving them.
The park's ursine addition was sculpted by Simon Hedger, who lives near Carmarthen.
Short leg is still open, suggesting after today's spread the hedger is long the Aug 38.5/41.5 put spread.
She was born in Eldorado on March 25, 1927 to the late Avery and Lottie Mae (Leitch) Hedger. She worked at the Egyptian Health Department, where she retired.
From the off in Saturday's race Zanotti, Winfield and Hedger scrapped for dominance, but on lap 5 Zanotti pulled off the track with a blown engine.
Derek Doyle (ASU) 13, (10), 9; Corey Hedger (PU) d.
Guy Hedger, 61, was killed after intruders entered his home in Castlewood, Ashley, near Ringwood, Hampshire, at about 3am on April 30, 2017.
Masked raiders Jason Baccus and Kevin Downton burst in on high-flying businessman Guy Hedger, 61, and Simon-Pierre Hedger-Cooper, 48, as they slept.
Insurance executive Guy Hedger, 61, was killed in the early hours of April 30 in a break-in at his [euro]1million home.
Guy Hedger was fatally wounded at his house in the Dorset village of St Ives in the early hours of Sunday morning.