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Related to Hons: Homs


(Education) short for honours2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Och, hon! if it wasn't mesilf thin that was mad as a Kilkenny cat I shud like to be tould who it was!
"Thin," says he, the willian, "Och hon! and a wolly-wou, pully-wou," and then wid that he shoved up his two shoulders till the divil the bit of his hid was to be diskivered, and then he let down the two corners of his purraty-trap, and thin not a haporth more of the satisfaction could I git out o' the spalpeen.
Och hon! if it wasn't his spalpeeny little paw that I had hould of in my own -- why thin -- thin it wasn't -- that's all.
BLOTTON would only say then, that he repelled the hon. gent.'s false and scurrilous accusation, with profound contempt.
'The CHAIRMAN was quite sure the hon. Pickwickian would withdraw the expression he had just made use of.
The youngest member of the party was Hon. Morison Baynes, a young man of considerable wealth who, having exhausted all the possibilities for pleasure offered by the capitals of Europe, had gladly seized upon this opportunity to turn to another continent for excitement and adventure.
And this, briefly, was the Hon. Morison Baynes of luxurious European civilization.
The Hon. Morison Baynes found Meriem a most beautiful and charming companion.
The effort to secure this increase was led by the Hon. M.F.
is it possible?" replied Tom Hunter, his thoughts reverting involuntarily to a former invention of the Hon. J.
Maston, the staunchest friend of the three travelers, started for the Rocky Mountains, accompanied by the Hon. J.
I have kept every breed which I could purchase or obtain, and have been most kindly favoured with skins from several quarters of the world, more especially by the Hon. W.