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Related to humorless: humorously


1. Lacking a sense of humor.
2. Said or done without humor: "She winked at me, but it was humorless; a wink of warning" (Truman Capote).

hu′mor·less·ly adv.
hu′mor·less·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.humorless - lacking humorhumorless - lacking humor; "it was a humorless wink; a wink of warning"- Truman Capote
humorous, humourous - full of or characterized by humor; "humorous stories"; "humorous cartoons"; "in a humorous vein"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
A Welsh rabbit, in the speech of the humorless, who point out that it is not a rabbit.
If you've ever longed to see "The Dark Knight" reborn as a witless Taiwanese buddy-cop movie, then you may well be part of the desired audience for "Black & White: The Dawn of Justice." Although about a half-hour shorter than 2012's "Black & White Episode 1: The Dawn of Assault," this big, noisy, flashy, junky, altogether pitiful excuse for a blockbuster represents a much more bloated affair in terms of scale and expense, its frenetic mayhem and CGI explosions demonstrating only slightly more modulation than star Mark Chao's permanent humorless scowl.
According to the Hollywood reporter, in an interview with U.K.'s Radio Times Magazine Cleese, 74, said post the two Bond films that he did, the action sequences became way too long and very gritty and humorless
No one wants to follow tedious, humorless and judgmental people.
If getting shut out of last spring's sold-out shows left you humorless and mopey, worry not.
Some colleagues may simply shrug and feel that we are being thin-skinned or humorless by discouraging the use of this term--both by those outside and inside our profession.
All this gets me to Islam, which, I must say, seems to me the most humorless of all religions.
She has a keen ear for convincing dialog, and she injects humor and hope into what seems to be a hopeless and humorless situation.
Since antiquity, comic writers have endured, often proudly welcomed, being banned by popes and kings and assailed with rotten eggs and lawsuits, but have become apoplectic whenever some humorless critic tries to construct a theory of their art.
"I wanted to prick the misconception that experimental dance must be nihilistic or grim or humorless," he says.
The books are uniformly humorless, earnest, and depressing.
Von Plessen's work is usually stern and humorless, so when he indulges in a bit of the erotics of seeing, as he does in the modest Pflanze (Plant), 2004, the moment is one to be savored.