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(Law) Roman law Scots law a charge on property in favour of a creditor
[C16: from Late Latin hypotheca a security, from Greek hupothēkē deposit, pledge, from hupotithenai to deposit as a security, place under, from hypo- + tithenai to place]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The player pays the investment cost to the banker and receives a property certificate listing type of investment, cost, return and hypothec. The player puts a mark, provided by the banker, on the landscape patch.
Mortgage is a consumer credit in which the creditor bank receives temporary housing hypothec from the customer as repayment warrant.
Moreover, still at the legislative level, the new code contains some borrowings that have been civilized, in particular the trust (42) and the movable hypothec. (43) After all, Jean-Louis Baudouin wrote that the code "a reussi l'emprunt a la common law et a en codifier les regles, tout en les rendant parfaitement compatibles avec l'architecture et le contenu du Code civil dans son entier." (44)
It is a service to keep the registers of transfer, hypothec and registration of any kind under state guarantee.
Contracts of pledge, antichresis and hypothec shall state, on pain of inefficacy: I--the amount of the debt, its estimated amount, or its maximum amount; II--the term fixed for payment; III--the interest rate, if any; IV--the property given as security, with its specifications."
Just early last year a problem arose related to the change of civil law about the implementation of Hypothec which affect financial lenders.
Mortgage loan interest rate, reimbursement and guarantees Modalities Description Interest Rate Fixed Interests vary according to variations of the indexed rate Progressive Interests increase in accordance with the time course Mixed Combination of regimes Reimbursement Pattern The French method is applied Grace Period Period of time where there is payment of interests without capital amortization Deferred Capital Part of capital in debt is postponed to the end of the loan Guarantees Hypothec Serves as a guarantee in case of absence of debt payments Bail A third economic agent will pay the debt in case of default Life Insurance Covers the loan in case of disability or death Source: Banco de Portugal (2011b).
As a final example, real subrogation may apply in the case of a hypothec. Where a creditor holds a hypothec on a universality or on an individual thing, the hypothec can extend to property that replaces the original property, if the latter has been alienated.
The new amendmets to Article 4.177 of the Lithuanian Civil Code will add requirements on a company mortgage (hypothec).
The legal environment is very important for negotiations on construction and real estate, because it includes the legislation which regulate real estate, ownership rights and the trust (servitude, usufruct, right to mortgage, long-term rent, hypothec, pledge).