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(often capital) an uncultivated or boorish Australian
adj, adv
typical of such a person
[C20: of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
? Dave Anderson was the main man in the Sportsman AC Open ton the Ocker Hill Section of the Walsall Canal in Tipton.
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Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- In an interview with the reporter at the news headquarters of Iran's 31st International Film Festival for Children and Youth, Julia Ocker said she has so far watched several Iranian films and have been amazed by watching them.
KARACHI -- It was a culturally vibrant week for Karachiites, beginning with a delightful musical performance by the German duo of vocalist Claus Ocker and pianist Julius Severin.
Other casualties were "spraza" and "tanner" ("sixpence", both from Romani), "levy" and "ocker" ("a shilling"), "half a dollar" and "tusheroon" ("two shillings and sixpence"), "dollar" ("five shillings" - probably from when the pound was worth four dollars), "half-bar" and "half a nicker" ("10 shillings"), and "bar" ("a pound").
Shocking CCTV clips show a group of six men charging into Ocker Hill Store, in Tipton around 7.30pm last night,the Birmingham Mail reports.
BEST PERFORMING PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN LOCAL AREA...1 Manor Primary School, Wolverhampton 2 St Anne's Catholic Primary School, Streetly, Walsall 3 Our Lady and St Kenelm RC School, Dudley 4 St Bartholomew's Church of England Primary School, Wolverhampton 5 St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Birmingham 6 St George and St Teresa Catholic Primary School, Solihull 7 St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Birmingham 8 St Mary's The Mount Catholic Primary School, Walsall 9 Ocker Hill Academy, Sandwell 10 Manor Primary School, Walsall
"So I'd taken a few little notes and let her know, but she is so fantastically -in Australia, we say 'ocker,' which means like very bogan or like whatever you would use as a very overt slang for Australian.
Rinaldi, an Irving Republican, almost lost the district last year to Democrat Dorotha Ocker, winning by 1,048 votes out of nearly 59,000 cast.
The worker, from Ocker Hill, Dudley, rescued the bottle seconds before the vessel, and the contents, were smashed into a thousand pieces.
In eighth place was Grove Vale Primary School, Ocker Hill Academy was in ninth and Corngreaves Academy was in 10th.
Forget the Aussie ocker bit, this is the creme de la Canberra.