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Related to pains: Chest pains


a. An unpleasant feeling occurring as a result of injury or disease, usually localized in some part of the body: felt pains in his chest.
b. Bodily suffering characterized by such feelings: drugs to treat pain.
a. Mental or emotional suffering; distress.
b. An instance of this: the pains of humiliation.
3. pains The pangs of childbirth.
4. pains Great care or effort: taking pains with one's work.
5. Informal A source of annoyance; a nuisance: Stuffing all these envelopes is a real pain.
tr.v. pained, pain·ing, pains
1. To cause physical pain to; hurt: My feet really pained me after the hike.
2. To cause mental or emotional distress to: "It pained him to remember every little thing about her" (John Irving).
on/under pain of
Subject to the penalty of (a specified punishment, such as death).

[Middle English, from Old French peine, from Latin poena, penalty, pain, from Greek poinē, penalty; see kwei- in Indo-European roots.]
Synonyms: pain, ache, pang, stitch, throe, twinge
These nouns denote a sensation of severe physical discomfort: abdominal pain; aches in my leg; the pangs of a cramped muscle; a stitch in my side; the throes of dying; a twinge of arthritis.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pl n
1. care, trouble, or effort (esp in the phrases take pains, be at pains to)
2. painful sensations experienced during contractions in childbirth; labour pains
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.pains - an effortful attempt to attain a goalpains - an effortful attempt to attain a goal
attempt, effort, try, endeavor, endeavour - earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; "made an effort to cover all the reading material"; "wished him luck in his endeavor"; "she gave it a good try"
jehad - a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
But Just then the boy began to suffer such fearful pains that he became alarmed.
You shall read, in some of the friars' books of mortification, that a man should think with himself, what the pain is, if he have but his finger's end pressed, or tortured, and thereby imagine, what the pains of death are, when the whole body is corrupted, and dissolved; when many times death passeth, with less pain than the torture of a limb; for the most vital parts, are not the quickest of sense.
And agreeably to this mode of thinking and speaking, were we not saying that they will have their pleasures and pains in common?
The thought of Stephen was like a horrible throbbing pain, which yet, as such pains do, seemed to urge all other thoughts into activity.
Where is your justification for inflicting all this pain? The only thing that could excuse vivisection to me would be some application--"
Rose lay in a shivering bunch near the register, with her things half off, wringing her hands, and trying not to cry with the pain returning warmth brought to her half-frozen fingers.
The happier state In Heav'n, which follows dignity, might draw Envy from each inferior; but who here Will envy whom the highest place exposes Formost to stand against the Thunderers aime Your bulwark, and condemns to greatest share Of endless pain? where there is then no good For which to strive, no strife can grow up there From Faction; for none sure will claim in hell Precedence, none, whose portion is so small Of present pain, that with ambitious mind Will covet more.
In his efforts against the numbing pain he was like a man wrestling with a creature of the air.
I could feel my knee through my clothes, swelling, and swelling, and I was sick and faint from the pain of it.
"Take it from me, when an animal won't give way to pain, it can't be broke.
The confusion between discomfort and pain has made people regard discomfort as a more substantial thing than it is, and this in turn has reacted upon the view taken of pleasure, since discomfort and pleasure are evidently on a level in this respect.
Talking wearied her, faces troubled her, pain claimed her for its own, and her tranquil spirit was sorrowfully perturbed by the ills that vexed her feeble flesh.