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1. often ruins
a. The state of being physically destroyed, collapsed, or decayed: The castle fell into ruin.
b. The state of being extensively harmed or damaged: Our vacation plans are in ruins.
c. Poverty of bankruptcy: Their decision brought the bank to ruin.
a. often ruins A destroyed, collapsed, or decayed building or other physical entity: the ruins of the old mill.
b. One that has been extensively damaged or harmed: He is a ruin of his former self.
3. A cause of destruction or irreparable harm or loss: Gambling will be his ruin.
tr.v. ru·ined, ru·in·ing, ru·ins
1. To cause (a building, for example) to be in a destroyed, collapsed, or decayed state.
a. To harm or damage the quality or value of (something) irreparably: A bad diet ruined his health.
b. To harm or damage the enjoyment or experience of (something) greatly: ruined the movie by talking throughout it; ruined the book by giving away the ending.
3. To reduce to poverty or bankruptcy: Bad loans ruined the banker.

[Middle English ruine, from Old French, from Latin ruīna, from ruere, to rush, collapse.]

ru′in·a·ble adj.
ru′in·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Countries with potentially ruinable amounts include Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Russia, South Africa, and the United States.
Nautilus also has exploration licenses and applications (see map on next page) to search for potential ruinable sites in more than 525,000 square kilometers (202,700 square miles) of seafloor off the shores of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji, and New Zealand.