


[ˈsɔːltɪŋz] NPLsaladar msing
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
I bade him tell it to me; and he still laughing said, "In the margin, as I told you, this is written: 'This Dulcinea del Toboso so often mentioned in this history, had, they say, the best hand of any woman in all La Mancha for salting pigs.'"
And then the visitors were taken to the other parts of the building, to see what became of each particle of the waste material that had vanished through the floor; and to the pickling rooms, and the salting rooms, the canning rooms, and the packing rooms, where choice meat was prepared for shipping in refrigerator cars, destined to be eaten in all the four corners of civilization.
An "estanciero" told me that he often had to send large herds of cattle a long journey to a salting establishment, and that the tired beasts were frequently obliged to be killed and skinned; but that he could never persuade the Gauchos to eat of them, and every evening a fresh beast was slaughtered for their suppers!
And north we travelled with it, ravaging and destroying, flinging the naked carcasses to the shark and salting down the skins so that they might later adorn the fair shoulders of the women of the cities.
Oh, dad!" This shouted towards the hatch, where Disko and Tom Platt were salting. "How many skates you reckon we'll need?"
MSDS Consulting Limited, trading as MSDS Consulting Limited, having ceased to trade having its registered office at 11 The Saltings, Annagassan, Co.
If I use bamboo I harvest it green and keep it wet in a large garbage can filled with water before and between saltings, so it will not catch fire.
The hardbrick interior holds up well under salting; the fiber blanket and soft brick insulate well and minimize gas use.
In early December 1969 the higher ground within the much-burnt northern edge of this saltings carried Salt Tussock Austrostipa stipoides over Beaded Glasswort Sarcocornia quinqueflora, Thick-headed Glasswort Sarcocornia blackiana, Trailing Hemichroa Hemichroa pentandra and Rounded Noon-flower Disphyma crassifolium subsp.
The site of December 1969, on higher ground just north of the northern edge of the saltings, was checked in late October 2007.
It was later called to The Saltings, where a family of three were reported to be cut off by the incoming tide, although they were not in need of assistance.
It is very unfair on the small number of producers of Saltings Lamb (oen y Glasdraeth) that they (MLC and Mr Don Thomas & Co) are promoting all Welsh lamb on our backs because it is unique in taste and texture.