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Related to tass: Al Jazeera


(tæs) or


1. a cup, goblet, or glass
2. the contents of such a vessel
[C15: from Old French tasse cup, from Arabic tassah basin, from Persian tast]


(Historical Terms) (formerly) the principal news agency of the Soviet Union: replaced in 1992 by Itar Tass
[T(elegrafnoye) A(genstvo) S(ovetskovo) S(oyuza) Telegraphic Agency of the Soviet Union]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


 a heap; a small cup, hence, its contents; a pile.
Examples: tass of the bodies dead, 1386; of brandy, 1818; of cherry brandy, 1859; of corn, 1440; of hay, 1887; of tea, 1825; of wine, 1583.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The maid appeared surprised (as well she might be) at our speedy return; but Alan had no words to spare for her in explanation, helped me to a chair, called for a tass of brandy with which he fed me in little sips, and then breaking up the bread and cheese helped me to eat it like a nursery-lass; the whole with that grave, concerned, affectionate countenance, that might have imposed upon a judge.
Amelie van Tass and Thommy Ten were both born and raised in Austria and now reside in Austria and America.
Rawhi Fattouh, a member of the Fatah central committee, told TASS that he thinks that in two weeks "Cairo will invite all factions for talks." However, he noted that the exact time of the talks remains unknown.
Sessions will be delivered by the Coventry University Sport and Recreation team and faculty of Health and Life Sciences university after they were awarded TASS Dual Career Accreditation last year.
By working in partnership with education institutions, the TASS Dual Career Accreditation Scheme enables young athletes to successfully manage a dual career - balancing the demands of education with training and competition.
Earlier, an OPEC source told TASS that the December meeting would look at possible extension of production restrictions in 2019 as growing shale oil production in the United States may entail over-supply on the market.
The Mil Mi-8 helicopter crash killed three pilots, a source in the regional emergency services told TASS. "Three bodies have been found at the helicopter crash site, which means that all the three people onboard died," the source said, adding that the impact had destroyed the helicopter.
According to Tass, Under Secretary of the US Treasury Sigal Mandelker said in a report for the Senate hearings on Tuesday that following April 6 Vekselberg's accounts were frozen
A TASS correspondent reported from the scene that four bodies have already been retrieved, but the wreckage keeps burning.
The shopping mall, which opened in 2013, has a cinema, petting zoo, children's center and bowling, Tass reported.
A cargo plane carrying several tons of gold bars suffered a hatch malfunction during takeoff, which caused the plane to spill precious metals all over the runway, the Russian news agency (http://tass.com/society/994256) TASS reported.