

(Physical Geography) along a coast in a northward direction
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Lowe, personal communication), or approximately 30 km upcoast of Marina del Rey.
The Caribs Aframax market was the only one to register a significant change during the past week with upcoast rates dropping to the ws 105 level.
Caribbean Aframax spot freight rate for upcoast voyages increased 24% in May from the previous month on limited availability.
"'Then this morning I heard on the local news that they found a Port Silva woman dead in her pickup truck somewhere upcoast. After that a friend called to say she heard it was Tessa Finch and she's been raped and beaten to death.'
But within a brief drive upcoast, you can buy an old but still-good mobile home in earshot of the gulf in St.
For a good beach walk, your best bet is to head downcoast toward El Capitan; the outcroppings upcoast are pretty, but there is less beach to walk on as the tide comes in.
Each data point represents the difference in log-transformed density (numbers per unit area) between a Control site (Barn kelp forest [approximately equal to]11 km from the station) and an Impact site (the upcoast portion of San Onofre kelp forest).
"There's a hospital upcoast twelve miles at Quartz Harbor," Father Jerome said slowly.
There is basically no Caribs upcoast market to talk about anymore, with rates flat at ws 160 basis 38kt, however the USG is still busy with rates firming up to ws97.6 basis 38kt for USG/UKC-Med fixtures.
Odostomia eucosmia.--During 1980-1995, 19 specimens of this small (to 3 mm) shelled heterobranch were collected within the intertidal (+0.3 m) red alga Gastroclonium subarticulatum at Diablo Canyon: 11 of these were from Diablo Cove and 8 were from Field's Cove 35[degrees]12'56"N, 120[degrees]51'30"W), which is approximately 1 km upcoast of Diablo Cove.