
(redirected from weaners)


1. a person or thing that weans
2. (Animals) a pig that has just been weaned and weighs less than 40 kg
3. (Animals) Austral and NZ a lamb, pig, or calf in the year in which it is weaned
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Ndung'u and other farmers buying weaner piglets must ensure that the pricing of the weaners is fair.
SIX young farmers have been handed five weaners each as they look to get a foothold in the pig sector.
Six winning YFC members will be handed five weaners each and given advice on fattening and marketing them.
Manufacturers are focused on producing pig protein concentrate that caters to the essential diet of piglets, weaners, porkers, baconers, sows, gilts, and boars.
The Danish company Pigagro plans to invest Pound 10 million for this purpose and create 25 new jobs, according to the material the company submitted for the environmental impact assessment.The capacity of the new farm is expected to be 4,500 sows, 30 boars and 3,000 weaners, the TASR newswire reported.
Prime Lambs Texel x - PS77 (x2) The Chesters, PS77 (x2) West Grange & PS71 Crook Dene 179.1p The Chesters, 163.8p West Grange, 157.8p Crook Dene, 157.1p The Chesters Beltex x - PS86, PS85, PS84 (x2) & PS82.50 New Houses Hallington 212.5p, 210.0p, 195.5p, 191.9p & 182.6p New Houses Hallington Suffolk x - PS78 West Grange, PS75.50 & PS74 Brixter Hill 148.0p Brixter Hill Blackface - PS47 The Brigg Cast Ewes and Rams Texel x - PS78 & PS71 Coatyards Suffolk - PS69 Rugley Walls Mule - PS58 & PS50 Coatyards CARLISLE November 16 Store cattle and weanlings Harrison & Hetherington Ltd had forward 888 head at its Weekly Wednesday Sale of Cattle comprising of 638 Store Cattle and weaners, 245 Calves and 4 Dairy Cattle.
The correlation between FSA and the productivity index was analyzed, including non-productive sow days (NPD), number of weaners (NOW), survival rate (SR), appearance rate of A-grade pork (ARA), and days at a slaughter weight of 110 kg (d-SW).
Shoopala noted that Namibian import permits are all-inclusive taking into consideration South African veterinary services have less manpower to handle an influx of weaners from Namibia.
Upon further discussion we felt we'd be foolish to pay for weaners (weaned piglets, a state of matter about 8-10 months prior to "wieners") every year and decided to jump in with both feet and purchase breeding stock.
Three breeds - Middle Whites, Large Blacks and Welsh - were selected because they were "grazers, not diggers", and the 11 weaners fared well.
And raising pigs - however unintuitive it might seem to some of us - is just the next step, says Paul Jackson of the Golden River Farms, which supplies 'weaners' (piglets to you and me) to smallholders all across the UK.