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Adj.1.absentminded - lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"
inattentive - showing a lack of attention or care; "inattentive students"; "an inattentive babysitter"
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a. distraído-a; absorto-a.
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References in classic literature ?
He remembered that at such times he had been particularly absentminded, and could not discriminate between objects and persons unless he concentrated special attention upon them.
Polly was unconsciously showing him what it was, and making child-love so sweet, that he felt he could not do without it any more, yet did n't quite know how to win the confidence of the children, who had always found him busy, indifferent, and absentminded.
Cheeky sequel to Disney's miniaturisation comedy sees absentminded boffin Rick Moranis newly installed in Nevada.
But an absentminded 8% of people admitted they had found forgotten savings in a deposit account, bond or ISA which they took out as an adult, according to Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks.
According to a report in Saturday's edition of Okaz, the woman has become fed up with her husband's absentminded ways.
Professor Beard, who came across it while researching humour in the ancient world for a book on the subject, said most of the jokes were categorised into various themes including 'the absentminded professor' and 'the charlatan prophet'.
John McCain is "absentminded" and "terrible" and his running mate, Gov.
Join the ocean-sized adventure of the curious clownfish Nemo, his overprotective father Marlin and their absentminded yet loveable pal Dory as Disney On Ice immerses you in a vibrant aquatic world in Disney On Ice presents Disney/Pixar's Finding Nemo.