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Related to achromat: Apochromat


1. (General Physics) Also called: achromatic lens a lens designed to bring light of two chosen wavelengths to the same focal point, thus reducing chromatic aberration. Compare apochromat
2. (Medicine) a person who has no colour vision at all and can distinguish only black, white, and grey. The condition is very rare
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The APS-U storage ring will feature a new design, a multi-bend achromat lattice, with many more bending magnets and magnet-focusing cells than the present machine, resulting in brighter X-ray production.
For example, a complete achromat might believe that ripe tomatoes are red without grasping this proposition.
At that time, founder Norman Edmund sold a pcx lens for 10 cents and an achromat for 25 cents.
The NIS optical system provides sharp, crisp images via Plan achromat or S-Plan APO objectives.
The Lomography Daguerreotype Achromat 64mm f/2.9 lens: Revisiting our origins
A new configuration will be tried at Diamond, a Double Double Bend Achromat. This will result in one cell, the machines, all of the magnets and vacuum vessels being removed and replaced to a new configuration.
The Meade Astrometric is a Modified Achromat eyepiece of 12mm focal length incorporating a laser etched reticle and a battery powered variable illumination system.
I digitally photographed individual spiracles through a 100X, oil-immersion objective with an achromat condenser and brightfield Kohler-illumination.
The chromatic aberration of the Lowell 24-inch [610mm] f/16 Clark refractor exceeds that of a 6-inch [152mm] f/5 achromat, so it is hardly surprising that a dense yellow Wratten 15 filter was employed whenever lunar mapping was conducted.