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1. rural; rustic
2. unpolished; uncouth
[C17: from Latin agrestis, from ager field]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.agrestic - characteristic of the fields or countryagrestic - characteristic of the fields or country; "agrestic simplicity"; "rustic stone walls"
rural - living in or characteristic of farming or country life; "rural people"; "large rural households"; "unpaved rural roads"; "an economy that is basically rural"
2.agrestic - (of behavior) rustic and uncouthagrestic - (of behavior) rustic and uncouth; "the agrestic behavior of a country boy"
unrefined - (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth; "how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?"
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References in periodicals archive ?
The contingency table analysis method is appropriate to test the association between two categorical variables (Agrestic & Kateri, 2011; Conniver, 1980).
(6.) Jefferson calls us back to the agrestic ideal of Greek times, characteristic of, say, an Athenian farmer-citizen.
Part Two, 'A Natural Palette of Aromatics', discusses the language of fragrance and presents a broad range of fragrance types: woody, resinous, spicy, herbaceous, agrestic, floral and citrus.
Definitely Probably Probably Definitely not not Count 1546 498 205 138 Proportion 0.648 0.209 0.086 0.058 Agrestic normal -0.457 0.681 1.277 1.897 score [v.sub.j] Normal score -0.45699 0.680765 1.277267 1.897112 [a.sub.j] Exponential 0.391322 1.394286 2.295073 3.543686 score [a.sub.j] Logistic -0.73619 1.109254 2.188874 3.514354 score [a.sub.j] Lognormal 0.633184 1.975389 3.586822 6.666614 score [a.sub.j] TABLE 5:196 patients classified according to change in health and degree of infiltration [12].