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also an·a·go·gy  (ăn′ə-gō′jē)
n. pl. an·a·go·ges also an·a·go·gies
A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife.

[Late Latin anagōgē, from Late Greek, spiritual uplift, from anagein, to lift up : ana-, ana- + agein, to lead; see ag- in Indo-European roots.]

an′a·gog′ic (-gŏj′ĭk), an′a·gog′i·cal adj.
an′a·gog′i·cal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

anagoge, anagogy

1. Obsolete, a spiritual or mental elevation.
2. a mystical interpretation of a text (usually the Bible.) — anagogic, adj.anagogically, adv.
See also: Religion
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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[T]he "post-" of "postmodern" does not signify a movement of comeback, flashback, or feedback, that is, not a movement of repetition but a procedure in "ana-": a procedure of analysis, anamnesis, anagogy, and anamorphosis that elaborates an "initial forgetting." (81) The response of accelerationism to Lyotard's critique is a dynamic, affirmative approach to technoscience, but since it is overly tolerant of many contradictions this approach remains contested.
One might add to this, as a prosaic parallel, the turn from argument to anagogy that occurs in the final pages of Saving the Appearances and Worlds Apart.
According to de Lubac, Origen is not even exclusively tied to using [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] to describe his task, using along with it: [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (anagogy), [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (tropology), [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (understanding), [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (thinking), [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (type) and various terms related to [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (spirit).
(21) Plotinian anagogy ascends from scientia to sapientia--from knowledge of temporal things to the wisdom of eternal things--but its operation is confounded by humanity's disordered attachment to earthly objects in greed, so the Incarnation inverts that ascent as participation Christ's descent: "Our knowledge therefore is Christ, and our wisdom is the same Christ.
Palindromic structure was associated with the fourth sense of medieval exegesis, or anagogy, a level that leads the consecrated person to heaven in both its outward and inward appearances.
According to no less an authority than Northrop Frye, the formula for metaphor, too, is "A=B" (Anatomy 123), and represents, in its highest form (anagogy), a "statement of hypothetic identity" (366).
As he states, it points not to "a movement of repetition but [...] a procedure of analysis, anamnesis, anagogy, and anamorphosis that elaborates an 'initial forgetting,'" suggesting a reexamination of the notions of historical progress, human emancipation, and subjectivity (80).
ceremonies and like anagogy, the marriage of Margaret and James
(51) The "fruit" of a work of art is the goal of both the product and the effect, just as anagogy is the goal of allegorical and moral interpretations of Scripture.
It is this purged and historicized nature that serves as the basis for the next stage in the order of development in medieval exegesis--an order that seems reflected in Tate's final poems--the move from history and the allegory of history to anagogy or the fulfilment offered by the future.
The result is that Constable's poems envision an anagogic union of the (Magdalenian) soul with Christ, whereas Southwell's poems sketch out a far less mystical account of this female saint, one that functions at the level of tropology or moral action more than anagogy, or the final entry of the soul into union with God.
In all three cases, the literal narrative facilitates a movement toward anagogy (interpretation in spiritual terms) on the part of the interpreters.