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top to bottom: Danforth, admiralty, and stockless anchors


1. Nautical A heavy object attached to a vessel by a cable, rope, or chain and dropped into the water to keep the vessel in place either by its weight or by its flukes, which grip the bottom.
2. A rigid point of support, as for securing a rope.
3. A source of security or stability.
a. An athlete, usually the strongest member of a team, who performs the last stage of a relay race or other competition.
b. The person at the end of a tug-of-war team.
5. An anchorperson.
v. an·chored, an·chor·ing, an·chors
a. To secure (a vessel) with an anchor.
b. To secure with a fastener or similar device: bolts anchoring the deck to the house. See Synonyms at fasten.
c. To cause to be fixed in place; fix or immobilize: fear anchoring him in the dark hallway; mussels anchoring themselves to a rock.
d. To cause to feel attached or secure: memories anchoring us to our home town.
e. To provide a basis for; establish or found: "innovative cuisines firmly anchored in tradition" (Gourmet Magazine).
2. Sports To serve as an anchor for (a team or competition): anchor a relay race.
3. To narrate or coordinate (a newscast).
4. To provide or form an anchor store for: Two major stores anchor each end of the shopping mall.
Nautical To drop anchor or lie at anchor.

[Middle English anker, ancher, from Old English ancor, from Latin ancora, anchora, from Greek ankura.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
To speak with severe technicality, a ship or a fleet is "brought up" - the complementary words unpronounced and unwritten being, of course, "to an anchor." Less technically, but not less correctly, the word "anchored," with its characteristic appearance and resolute sound, ought to be good enough for the newspapers of the greatest maritime country in the world.
I wonder, Flask, whether the world is anchored anywhere; if she is, she swings with an uncommon long cable, though.
anchored off Gibraltar, which looks familiar and home-like."
On the evening of the 12th of February, the Tonquin anchored in the bay of Karakakooa, in the island of Owyhee.
He proceeded to the banks of the Hudson, and looked about among the vessels moored or anchored in the river, for any that were about to depart.
At the expiration of an hour's struggling with the waves, it reached the spot where the admiral's vessel was anchored, and from the side of which two boats had already been dispatched towards their aid.
When she had first seen the anchored ship upon the quiet water, Jane Clayton's heart had beat fast with hope and thanksgiving, but as she drew closer to the craft and saw that it was the Kincaid, her pleasure gave place to the gravest misgivings.