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In the English form: Firenze, Anglice Florence.

[Medieval Latin Anglicē, from Anglicus, English; see Anglican.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


in English: Roma, Anglice Rome.
[from Medieval Latin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈæŋ glə si)

in English; as the English would say it: Córdoba, Anglice “Cordova.”
[1595–1605; < Medieval Latin, =Anglic(us) English + Latin -e adv. suffix]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Aurora now first opened her casement, Anglice the day began to break, when Jones walked forth in company with the stranger, and mounted Mazard Hill; of which they had no sooner gained the summit than one of the most noble prospects in the world presented itself to their view, and which we would likewise present to the reader, but for two reasons: first, we despair of making those who have seen this prospect admire our description; secondly, we very much doubt whether those who have not seen it would understand it.
One of the capi paranze, my boy, no less; and the velvety Johnny a giovano onorato, Anglice, fresher.
As one might expect, a substantial number of the entries are indistinguishable from the forms used in seventeenth-century English (again, against, barrel, barke, bitter, blunt, blythe, bolt, chapel, chapelain, etc.), but the fact that Young specifically referred to some words as Anglice suggests that he considered the unmarked forms as current in Scots.
1837," in Catalogus Manuscriptorum in Bibliothecis Anglice, Cambrice, Scotice, etHibernice (England, 1833-1838?), possibly compiled by Sir Thomas Phillipps, 16, no.
The catalogue of the Benedictine Abbey at Burton-on-Trent [Staffordshire], written about 1175, records number 75, 'Apollonium anglice.'" (6)
The professor in Ricks cannot refrain from noting the solecism of "lay" which would be, as he puts it, coyly reverting to Latin, "Anglice, lie across it." (I can't say that I've ever heard anybody say "lay across the bed" but then I haven't met the sad-eyed lady or her pals.) Ricks tries to excuse this by pointing out that Dylan could hardly have written "Lie, Lady, Lie" as this would be "men accusing of mendacity the fair sex"--never mind that accusations of mendacity are not exactly uncommon in popular music (has Ricks never heard "Your Cheatin' Heart?").
This prologue probably was included in the play's first performances, for at its revival in 1568 at Merton College, Oxford, this play is recorded as "tragico-moediam Damonis et Pythiae Anglice, praesentibus Magistris, Baccalaureis, et alijs domesticis cure nonullis extraneis." (65) In the illuminating prologue to Damon and Pithias, Edwards twice called his work "a tragical comedy," the first time insisting upon the historical verifiability of its plot (66) and the second time urging the audience to place the action of the drama squarely in the Syracusan court of Dionysius the Tyrant.
Caelebs, 47 Sed Juvenis Aspectu, Non Fumator, Facetus, Poeta Anglice et Latine, Feminam Corpore et Mente Pulchram Quaerit Causa Amicitiae et Fortasse Amoris.
For instance, the Portuguese 'Luis' almost invariably appears Spanish-style, without its accent; 'Polyxena' (anglice) regularly appears as 'Polixena' and 'Penthesilea' (anglice) in a variety of guises; the editor Marques Braga has received an ennobling circumflex; 'Exhortation' appears once with its h and thirty-seven times without it; 'Fray' (Spanish) and 'Frei' (Portuguese) are oddly transposed (pp.