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Related to arabica: Arabica coffee


a. A species of coffee, Coffea arabica, originating in Ethiopia and Yemen and widely cultivated for its high-quality, commercially valuable seeds.
b. The beanlike seed of this plant.
2. The coffee brewed from the seed of this plant.

[New Latin (Coffea) arabica, species name, from Latin, feminine of Arabicus, from Arabia, from Greek Arabikos, from Araps, Arab-, an Arab; see Arab.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a high-quality coffee bean obtained from the tree Coffea arabica
2. coffee made from the bean of the Coffea arabica tree
3. (Plants) the Coffea arabica tree
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Arabica coffee futures on ICE climbed on Wednesday, pulling away from the prior session's three-month low, boosted by a stronger currency in top-grower Brazil, while cocoa rose for its third positive finish in 22 sessions.
She said international buyers prefer Arabica coffee from Mindanao because of its unique taste profile.
With arabica languishing near a 13-year low and robusta futures also performing poorly, there are concerns that the industry's stability is under threat.
While Coorg Arabica coffee is grown specifically in Kodagu district of Karnataka, Wayanaad Robusta coffee is from Wayanad district in east Kerala, Chikmagalur Arabica coffee from Chikmagalur district in Deccan plateau of Karnataka, Araku Valley Arabica coffee from hilly tracks of Visakhapatnam district in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha region, and Bababudangiris Arabica coffee from central portion of Chikmagalur district.
But when we talk about the kind of coffee beans that we drink, two primary varieties arise, Arabica and Robusta, which are cultivated for drinking.
Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez on Wednesday launched the prototype 'KAPEtirya' as model for as many as 1,000 coffee lounges or kiosks that would promote Benguet arabica, Batangas 'barako' and other coffee beans often taken for granted.
The Dewata Coffee Sanctuary is the company's largest destination in Southeast Asia and demonstrates the role that Indonesia, the fourth largest Arabica coffee-growing region in the world, plays in bringing Starbucks customers high quality, ethically and sustainably-sourced coffees, including the popular single-origin coffee from Sumatra.
Some 75 coffee species were assessed as being threatened with extinction: 13 classed as critically endangered, 40 as endangered, including coffee arabica, and 22 as vulnerable.
Arabica beans make up almost two-thirds of the coffee we drink, as the premium species used in 'real' rather than instant coffee.