
(redirected from araneids)


(Zoology) any of numerous arachnids constituting the order Araneae (or Araneida), which comprises the spiders
[C19: from New Latin Araneida, from Latin arānea spider]
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The stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes and the origins of stabilimentum-building in araneids. Psyche, 80, 277-288.
Mimetus hesperus has not been observed invading webs of araneids, but araneids occurred in low density in my field site (Table 1), so this may result from a difference in availability rather than ability.
Prey analysis of four species of tropical orb-weaving spiders (Araneae: Araneidae) and a comparison with araneids of the temperate zone.
There was a significant decrease in the number of salticids and araneids present after the prairie burn.
Invertebrate commensals (e.g., orthopteroid insects and araneids) were routinely observed in burrows during inactive season excavations.
Three Palearctic (non-native) araneids, Aculepeira carbonaria, Araneus triguttatus, and Zygiella montana were recorded from Wisconsin; Z.
Histological studies on the poison glands of Araneids. Ann Zool Fenn 1964; 1: 89.
However, Scharff and Coddington (1997) and Coddington and Levi (1991) note that recent revisions of neotropical araneids show that their diversity is much greater than currently recognized, and estimate that 6000-7000 species exist.
Many orb-weaving Araneids construct a web and then divide their time, except when handling prey, between two locations.
This vertical web asymmetry is primarily thought to arise from an asymmetry in running speed caused by gravity, which allows for faster downwards running speeds than upwards against gravity, as has been observed in a number of araneids in the laboratory (Masters & Moffat 1983; ap Rhiziart & Vollrath 1994; Nakata & Zschokke 2010).