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another name for Babbittry
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elites are uneasy with the concept of eternal, objective truth, which they assume inevitably leads to Babbitry, absolutism, slavery, fascism, the Inquisition, and other dreadful things people flee red states to get away from.
This shadow cabinet, with its lush exfoliation of titles and subtitles, smacks of left Babbitry, not of revolutionary ardor--it is a mirror-image of the electioneering routinism and office-seeking of the duopoly twins, purveying the illusion that merely electing (or, in this case, appointing) the right people to the right offices will peacefully usher in a bright new tomorrow--a vision that is jarringly at odds with the ferocity with which the elites will defend their rotting fortress until and unless routed by masses of an aroused and organized citizenry.
In part such an attitude bespeaks a commendable conviction that people should work for a living and have the equipment to do so; in part it presents the familiar face of Babbitry, the evaluation of life and action according to the ideals, if one can call them that, of the Chamber of Commerce.