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(Historical Terms) (often in combination) a title formerly conferred by the British on distinguished Indians
[C18: from Hindi bahādur hero, from Persian: valiant]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
This showed that Bahadur Khan, his body-servant, had waked from sleep and wished to put Strickland to bed.
Bahadur Khan, a great, green-turbaned, six-foot Mohammedan, said that it was a very warm night, but that there was more rain pending, which, by his honor's favor, would bring relief to the country.
"It is in my mind, Bahadur Khan, that I have worked thee remorselessly for many days-ever since that time when thou first came into my service.
The lamp-light slid along the barrels of the rifle as they leveled themselves against Bahadur Khan's broad breast.
Bahadur Khan stood ashen grey in the light of the one lamp.
"Do I hang, then?" said Bahadur Khan, making no attempt to escape and keeping his eyes on the ground.
Bahadur Khan stepped back one pace, quivered, and stood still The two policemen waited further orders.
"I come of land-h~ding stock," said Bahadur Khan, rocking where he stood.
The Pakistani media quoting unknown security officials said eight insurgents loyal to militant commander Hafiz Gul Bahadur were killed in Sunday's drone attack.
Jay Bahadur sets out to discover who is behind the masked menaces that appear on the news.
20 -- Various three major political parties on Wednesday agreed to proceed with impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Rana Bahadur Bam in the House.
Relatives of Gajendra Bahadur Shahi, who was allegedly killed by two transport workers, hit the streets to protest the killing.