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 (bə-năl′, bā′nəl, bə-näl′)
Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite: "Blunt language cannot hide a banal conception" (James Wolcott).

[French, from Old French, shared by tenants in a feudal jurisdiction, from ban, summons to military service, of Germanic origin; see bhā- in Indo-European roots.]

ba·nal′ize′ v.
ba·nal′ly adv.
Usage Note: The pronunciation of banal is not settled among educated speakers of American English, and several variants compete with each other. The pronunciation (bə-năl′), rhyming with canal, was preferred by 58 percent of the Usage Panel in our 2001 survey, while 28 percent favored (bā′nəl), and 13 percent said they used (bə-näl′), a pronunciation that is more common in British English. A number of Panelists admitted to being so vexed by the word that they tended to avoid it in conversation. Nonetheless, all three pronunciations should be considered acceptable.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[bəˈnɑːlɪ] advbanalmente
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
It will seem that the issue of we no dey born pikin trowey, though carelessly and banally put in perspective by wife of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Patience had been over-flogged but its pervasive implications still remain with us.
Bruckner concludes his work by banally asserting that moderate wealth is the key to the good life, and he uses the life of an author-intellectual (much like himself) as an exemplar.
The emergence of parallel political and economic events, such as the realization of multiple national elections at the same time, makes visible an EPS flagged banally across the European elite press promoting either a common or a diversified Europe-wide geography for the crisis (that sets a certain system of European inequalities) and eventually a common or several dissenting understandings of Europe (e.g., promoting "fair" competition between states in a "neutral" market).
Not entirely convincingly but rather banally, he writes that 'the better the external conditions of one's confinement the more sharply one feels the purely psychological oppression of being in prison'.
'[HRW] banally disregards the right of a nation to protect its citizens against the menace of a global drug industry and terrorist-connected drug trade, and that it has done so with assumption of regularity,' presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella said in a statement.
This is a disagreement about whether anyone truly is malevolent or indifferent in his basic disposition to the world--about whether anyone really is radically or banally evil.
Kameron Carter's description of Immanuel Kant's eighteenth-century racial project captures the intersection of Christianity, culture, and "Whiteness": "Christianity as rational religion and Christ as the 'personified idea of the good principle' are the guarantee that whiteness, understood not merely and banally as pigment but as a structural-aesthetic order and as a sociopolitical arrangement, can and will be instantiated in the people who continue Christ's work, the work of Western civilization." (10) The simultaneous arguments here were the hierarchical ordering of cultures (with Western cultures at the top), the hierarchical ordering of religions (with Christianity at the top), and the hierarchical ordering of the races (with Whites at the top).
Similarly, Barber's "jihad versus McWorld" (1995), and most banally Ferguson's "the West and the rest," (2011), reproduce the binaries of liberal enlightenment, mapping fixed borders between us and them, self and other, legals and illegals, civilized and uncivilized, and ultimately, good and evil.
(16.) This speculation, that is, the whole argumentation of the previous article, is contingent not only (banally) as the argumentation of a man in a time of history, but also methodologically, because it aimed to deduce a universal conceptualization of the "sense" of a form of music from mere statistical research on some movies and some musics.
It's a story that's become Hollywood legend: Model Tippi Hedren's life was forever changed when she was cast in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." But Variety columnist Army Archerd first reported the news in his column rather banally back in 1962: "Mort Sahl's gal friend also in the company."