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A bowed string instrument of the 18th century, similar to the bass viol, but having sympathetic strings on the rear of the fingerboard.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Instruments) a bass viol with sympathetic strings as well as its six main strings
[C18: from French: baritone]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbær ɪˌtɒn)

an 18th-century stringed instrument with six bowed strings and several additional strings that vibrate sympathetically.
[< French; see baritone]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Paul Appleby, whom I've enjoyed since his juilliard days, seemed, like his little stage nephew, over-parted by his new assignment, a light tenor in a role better served in general by a baryton Martin, and barely audible much of the time; though he acted amiably (looking very much the enfant Golaud dismissively deems him), I missed the romantic ardor I want in a Pelleas.
Avec sa voix de baryton riche et entoure des meilleurs musiciens du Canada, il offrira au public un voyage musical merveilleux.
(19.) Dihn Gilly, baryton, Lucien Muratore, tenor, Louise Grandjean, soprano, ces deux derniers ayant participe a la creation d'Ariane en 1906.
[beaucoup plus grand que] De leur cote, les artistes etrangers, comme la soprano Gabriella Balgova, le chanteur lyrique Pierre Emmanuel Roubet, le baryton Marc Souchet, la soprano Avougan, le baryton Fernandez Cardenas, le baryton basse Olivier Tousis et le scenographe d'opera Christophe T'suelle, n'ont pas manque d'afficher leur agreable surprise de voir le public algerien apprecier autant leur prestation.
La fanfare accompagne, par exemple, les defiles des deux principaux partis politiques lors des elections de juin, ou un baryton chante quelques airs lors d'une causerie au club Kiwanls.
It is speculated that Tamburini may have had the voice of a baryton martin (French baritone).
A history of the baryton and its music; king of instruments, instrument of kings.
Many of his sacred works, including all 12 masses, will be performed in the town's churches and Haydn lovers will also be able to hear much of the composer's vast output of chamber music, including a special series of concerts dedicated to his piano trios, baryton trios and string trios.
Set against this, his 103 string quartets, the 175 (at least) works he composed for the obscure baryton instrument so beloved of his aristocratic employer, the 24 operas and so much else besides and you get a picture of the industriousness of the man.
The highlight of the festival will be the performance by the Hauschka Ensemble, on April 29 at 1pm, with Jeremy Brooker, the only player in the world to specialise in playing the baryton, an instrument Haydn wrote nearly 200 works for, and Roland Hutchison, an American virtuoso specially flying in for the performance.
In his introduction Tim Crawford speculates that the compiler was probably German (the language used in the tuning diagrams) and a person with eclectic tastes who had a substantial number of instruments (including the costly baryton) and the leisure time for copying out arrangements from one instrument to another.
EC peine 36 ans, David Serero, un baryton marocain a la voix sublime, a reussi a s'illustrer dans les beaux cieux selects de l'Opera sur les deux rives de l'Atlantique et bien au-dela, apportant avec lui une brise de modernisation et de jovialite a cet art, sur fond de fierte inebranlable de ses origines marocaines.