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Related to begging: beginning, Begging the question


v. begged, beg·ging, begs
a. To ask (someone) for something in an urgent or humble manner: begged me for help; begged me to give him the phone number.
b. To ask for (something) in an urgent or humble manner: beg someone's forgiveness; beg a favor.
c. To ask for (food or money, for instance) as a beggar.
2. To ask (permission) to do something: begged leave to attend the ceremony.
a. To evade; dodge: a speech that begged the real issues.
b. To take for granted without proof: beg the point in a dispute.
a. To ask for something, especially money or food from strangers, in an urgent or humble manner.
b. To live as a beggar.
2. To make an urgent or humble plea: beg for mercy.
Phrasal Verb:
beg off
To ask to be released from something, such as an obligation: We were invited to stay for dinner, but we had to beg off.
beg (someone's) pardon
Used to introduce a polite request.
beg the question
1. To assume to be true what one is purporting to prove in an argument.
2. To call to mind a question in a discussion; invite or provoke a question.
beg to differ
To disagree in a polite manner.

[Middle English beggen, possibly from Anglo-Norman begger, from Old French begart, lay brother, one who prays; see beggar.]
Synonyms: beg, entreat, beseech, implore
These verbs mean to make an earnest request of someone. Beg may imply no more than standard courtesy (forgive me, I beg you), but in less formulaic expressions it usually suggests a respectful seriousness: I begged her to tell me what was troubling her.
Entreat suggests earnest pleading: "Hamilton and Jefferson ... each denounced the other ... Washington was appalled [and] entreated his warring secretaries to make peace" (Herbert Sloan).
Beseech is often used formally, especially in addressing an authority or divinity, but regardless of tone it emphasizes serious concern and often implies urgency: "[She] was beseeching us to do everything possible to save him" (Bernard Lown).
Implore suggests a similar sense of urgency in a matter of great importance: "Her mother had implored her to try to get an education, to try to break out of ... poverty" (Robert Coles). See Also Synonyms at cadge.
Usage Note: Historically, logicians and philosophers have used the phrase beg the question to mean "to put forward an argument whose conclusion is already assumed as a premise." Usually, when people beg the question in this sense, the conclusion and the assumed premise are put in slightly different words, which tends to obscure the fact that such an argument is logically meaningless. For instance, to argue that caviar tastes better than peanut butter because caviar has a superior flavor is to beg the question—the premise that is taken as given (that caviar's flavor is superior) is essentially identical to the point it is intended to prove (that caviar tastes better).·But since at least the early 1900s, laypeople have been using beg the question in slightly different senses, to mean "raise a relevant question" or "leave a relevant question unanswered." When used in these senses, beg the question is usually followed by a clause explaining what the question in question is, as in That article begs the question of whether we should build a new school or renovate the old one or The real estate listing claims that the kitchen is spacious, which begs the question of what "spacious" means. These senses of beg the question are so well established that they have nearly displaced the original sense in everyday usage, but they are still often frowned on by traditionalists, especially those with training in philosophy; in our 2013 survey, the sentences above were judged acceptable only by slim majorities of the Usage Panel—55 and 58 percent, respectively. By contrast, a sentence using the phrase in its original sense (When I asked him why we must protect every endangered species regardless of the cost, he said it was because every species is priceless, but that just begs the question) was considered acceptable by 79 percent of the Panel. The newer senses of beg the question will probably continue to flourish because "begging a question" suggests "begging for," or "raising" a question. However, this broader usage will also probably continue to draw the ire of philosophers and others who use the "circular reasoning" sense of the term, for which there is no good substitute, and do not want to see its technical meaning lost.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.begging - a solicitation for money or food (especially in the street by an apparently penniless person)begging - a solicitation for money or food (especially in the street by an apparently penniless person)
solicitation - an entreaty addressed to someone of superior status; "a solicitation to the king for relief"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


A. Nmendicidad f
B. CPD begging bowl Nplatillo m para limosnas
to hold out a begging bowl (fig) → pasar el platillo
begging letter N carta en la que se pide dinero
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


begging bowl
nBettlerschale f; to hold out a begging (to somebody) (fig)(bei jdm) betteln gehen
begging letter
nBittbrief m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
A fellow like this never won a prize for anything in his life, but will go about rubbing his shoulders against every man's door post, and begging, not for swords and cauldrons {144} like a man, but only for a few scraps not worth begging for.
"Eumaeus, what a noble hound that is over yonder on the manure heap: his build is splendid; is he as fine a fellow as he looks, or is he only one of those dogs that come begging about a table, and are kept merely for show?"
So Eumaeus went up to him and said, "Stranger, Telemachus sends you this, and says you are to go the round of the suitors begging, for beggars must not be shamefaced."
A poor unfortunate tramp has come begging about the house for sheer want.
As for bread, you can get enough of that to fill your belly, by begging about the town, and letting those give that will."
"But the fact is, Jim and I don't seem to fit into a fairyland, and the old horse has been begging me to go home again ever since he lost the race.
But then - stand nearer and hold up hands as begging -the pedigree of the white stallion was not fully established, and that officer, who is now at Umballa, bade me make it clear.' (Mahbub here described the horse and the appearance of the officer.) 'So the message to that officer will be: "The pedigree of the white stallion is fully established." By this will he know that thou comest from me.
"You see I'm begging, and it's honest begging, too!
He was ashamed to beg, because his father had always preached to him that begging should be done only by the sick or the old.
Tom said, "He scorned a lie as much as any one: but he thought his honour engaged him to act as he did; for he had promised the poor fellow to conceal him: which," he said, "he thought himself farther obliged to, as the gamekeeper had begged him not to go into the gentleman's manor, and had at last gone himself, in compliance with his persuasions." He said, "This was the whole truth of the matter, and he would take his oath of it;" and concluded with very passionately begging Mr Allworthy "to have compassion on the poor fellow's family, especially as he himself only had been guilty, and the other had been very difficultly prevailed on to do what he did.
Begging has become a highly visible phenomenon during the month of Ramadan, not only in Yemen but also in most Arab and Islamic countries.
[This article examines the 'problem ' of begging and the public interest and value in responding to that problem.