
(redirected from bikies)


slang Austral and NZ a member of a motorcycle gang
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Download Peter Dutton to be elevated with creation of Australian Department of Homeland Security NNA - A Crime-fighting super office focused on protecting Australians from terrorism, bikies and drugs will be created by the Turnbull Government and run by former cop-turned-Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.
Norm Kirk promised he would "take the bikes off the bikies" in 1972.
(51) See, for one local example, comments by the former Premier of Queensland suggesting that lawyers working for gang members were part of the 'criminal gang machine'; 'Campbell Newman says lawyers for bikies are part of the "criminal gang machine'" Courier-Mail (February 6, 2014) <!awyers-for-bikies-are-part-of- criminal-gang-machine/story-fnihsrf2-1226819588317> (accessed 27 October 2015).
His attempts to join other groups, even the bikies who tolerated him for a short period, failed....
bikies surveying from top to bottom, lines of sight a farside of
What has followed, however, has been the migration of this measure to new contexts in the states and territories, especially in regard to what some have termed the 'war on bikies'.
Friday night by the fire with choc chip bikies and the newest issue of habitat!
(67) For a typical example of the media coverage, see Lisa Davies, 'Hundreds of Police Raid Sydney Bikies', Sydney Morning Herald, 12 March 2013.
New South Wales has already banned motorcycle gang members, or "bikies", from owning or operating tattoo parlours and barred them from wearing their colours at 58 pubs and other venues in Sydney s red-light area of Kings Cross.
I know clients are not all plutocrats in chauffeur-driven cars with big cigars but they aren't often users of public transport--any more than they are lycra-clad bikies, which are the only two groups I can think of who might find such maps useful.