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Adj.1.Birchen - consisting of or made of wood of the birch treebirchen - consisting of or made of wood of the birch tree
woody - made of or containing or resembling wood; "woody plants"; "perennial herbs with woody stems"; "a woody taste"
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I would have you think yourself, therefore, as much obliged to obey me now, as when I taught you your first rudiments."--"I believe you would," cries Jones; "but that will not happen, unless you had the same birchen argument to convince me."--"Then I must tell you plainly," said Thwackum, "I am resolved to discover the wicked wretch."--"And I must tell you plainly," returned Jones, "I am resolved you shall not." Thwackum then offered to advance, and Jones laid hold of his arms; which Mr Blifil endeavoured to rescue, declaring, "he would not see his old master insulted."
Anne was sitting on the big gray boulder in the orchard looking at the poem of a bare, birchen bough hanging against the pale red sunset with the very perfection of grace.
"You are at the foot of Glenn's," returned the other, speaking aloud, without fear of consequences within the roar of the cataract; "and the next thing is to make a steady landing, lest the canoe upset, and you should go down again the hard road we have traveled faster than you came up; 'tis a hard rift to stem, when the river is a little swelled; and five is an unnatural number to keep dry, in a hurry-skurry, with a little birchen bark and gum.
Down nearly to the ground the pole was dressed with birchen boughs, and others of the liveliest green, and some with silvery leaves, fastened by ribbons that fluttered in fantastic knots of twenty different colors, but no sad ones.
We'll sell it to a chimney-sweeper: it will wear out ten birchen brooms, I warrant you.
"It is not as handsomely turned as I have seen a canoe in birchen bark, but comfort may be taken in a wigwam as well as in a palace."
If the reader will picture to himself the kind of Board of Honour which amicably adjusted the difference between these two little boys, who in any other part of the world would have been amicably adjusted on two porters' backs and soundly flogged with birchen rods, he will be possessed, no doubt, with as strong a sense of its ludicrous character, as that which sets me laughing whenever its image rises up before me.
At the East Midlands event, at Birchen Edge, Jane Stew (W60) was sixth on the Short Green 3.4km course in 50.38mins, Keith Willdig (M70) was sixth on the 4.5km Green course in 44.43mins and Duncan Birtwistle (M21) second on the Brown 9.5km course in 62.15mins.
The ground floor of Birchen House, in Birkenhead, is set to be given planning permission to turn into five apartments if Wirral councillors give the goahead at their meeting next week.
when from the sweets Of festive freedom, and domestic ease, With throbbing heart, to stern discipline Of pedagogue morose I had return'd But tho' no more his brow severe, nor dread Of birchen sceptre awes my riper age The "morose pedagogue" in question was John Crompton, master of Solihull School, who evidently exercised his arm as much as his voice.
(19) This suffix is so productive that it can be attached to all parts of speech, namely nouns (berz-in-is, -e 'birchen' [left arrow] berz-as 'birch'), adjectives (bendr-in-is, -e 'common' [left arrow] bendr-as, -a 'general, common'), numerals (pirm-in-is, -e 'primary' [left arrow] pirm-as, -a 'first'), verbs (pirkt-in-is, -e 'shop-bought' [left arrow] pirkt-as, - a 'bought'), adverbs (aplink-in-is, -e 'surrounding' [left arrow] aplink 'around'), and prepositional constructions (po-kar-in-is, -e 'postwar' [left arrow] po 'after' + kar-as 'war').