
Also found in: Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia.


n.1.A kind of coarse serge.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Let us see if you will dare to repeat your story before the Cadi."
So the two men presented themselves before the Cadi, and Ali Cogia again repeated his tale.
The Cadi allowed him to take the oath, and pronounced him innocent.
But the Cadi paid no attention to his threats, and was quite satisfied that he had done what was right.
"Let us play at being the Cadi," said the brightest and quickest of them all; "I will be the Cadi.
The Cadi took his seat gravely, and an officer introduced first Ali Cogia, the plaintiff, and then the merchant who was the defendant.
Ali Cogia made a low bow, and pleaded his cause point by point; concluding by imploring the Cadi not to inflict on him such a heavy loss.
The Cadi having heard his case, turned to the merchant, and inquired why he had not repaid Ali Cogia the sum in question.
A ROBBER who had plundered a Merchant of one thousand pieces of gold was taken before the Cadi, who asked him if he had anything to say why he should not be decapitated.
"Your defence is ingenious and sound," said the Cadi, "and I must acquit you of criminality.
Thereupon the Robber put five hundred pieces of gold into the Cadi's hand.
"Good," said the Cadi. "I shall now remove but one half your head.