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1. An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism.
2. An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.
tr.v. cen·sured, cen·sur·ing, cen·sures
To express strong disapproval of or criticize severely, especially in an official capacity: "whether the Senate will censure one of its members for conflict of interest" (Washington Post). See Synonyms at criticize.

[Middle English, from Latin cēnsūra, censorship, from cēnsor, Roman censor; see censor.]

cen′sur·a·ble adj.
cen′sur·a·bly adv.
cen′sur·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
But, if these censurers were better acquainted with the noble and courteous disposition of the HOUYHNHNMS, they would soon change their opinion.
Such censurers as these, whether they speak from their own guess or suspicion, or from the report and opinion of others, may properly be said to slander the reputation of the book they condemn.
Cela rejoint aussi de nombreuses etudes qui montrent que les majoritaires peuvent adopter des strategies discursives de patrouille des frontieres entre <<vrais>> nationaux et etrangers en evitant la categorisation raciste directe pour plutot cibler les elites accusees de verser dans le <<politiquement correct>., de favoriser de facon indue les etrangers et de censurer les inquietudes de la majorite (blanche) (91).
[beaucoup moins que] Bref, s'il est un point qui fait l'unanimite, c'est qu'en matiere de moderation, les reseaux sociaux sont nuls [beaucoup plus grand que], constate le site du quotidien francais lemonde.fr dans un papier insere le 11 septembre dernier qui nous apprend par ailleurs que le [beaucoup moins que] president americain accuse Google et Twitter de [beaucoup moins que] censurer [beaucoup plus grand que] les conservateurs ; les Nations unies pointent dans un rapport le role de la propagande diffusee sur Facebook dans les crimes contre l'humanite visant les Rohingyas en Birmanie ; partout, des millions d'internautes se plaignent de voir des messages anodins supprimes ou, au contraire, des messages insultants laisses en ligne.
So on the one hand, we have the rare acclaim of a known censurer of the Ambode government; and on the hand we are being offered the partial picture of what is on the ground.
Et pour cela, il accepte de censurer toute ceuvre artistique ou toute expression publique qui pourrait menacer la stabilite populaire.
Moreover, she examines its appearance in dramatic texts, such as Margaret Cavendish's The Comical Hash, in which Lady Censurer offers to perform ballads, and Samuel Rowley and Thomas Dekker's 1634 drama The noble souldier, "which includes mention of 'the hanging tune,'" a popular ballad melody well-known to "ac company grisly stories of murderers and hangings" (49).
Il integre egalement des mesures repressives visant a censurer toute pratique illegale.