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(in dancing) relating to the movement in which a full rotation is made for every two steps taken
vb (intr)
ballet to produce a full rotation for every two steps taken
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"All or one?" And not assisting the harassed young man she was dancing with in the conversation, the thread of which he had lost and could not pick up again, she obeyed with external liveliness the peremptory shouts of Korsunsky starting them all into the grand round, and then into the chaine, and at the same time she kept watch with a growing pang at her heart.
* Voltaire, in speaking of Persepolis, says, "Je connois bien l'admiration qu'inspirent ces ruines - mais un palais erigé au pied d'une chaine des rochers sterils - peut il être un chef d'œvure des arts !"
Then when I am thy captive talk of chaines, Proud limitarie Cherube, but ere then Farr heavier load thy self expect to feel From my prevailing arme, though Heavens King Ride on thy wings, and thou with thy Compeers, Us'd to the yoak, draw'st his triumphant wheels In progress through the rode of Heav'n Star-pav'd.
The Cebu chapter of La Chaine des Rotisseurs held a fellowship dinner with the theme 'Viva Espana' at Pino restaurant.
En quoi consistera l'operation seduction de la chaine cette annee?
Les enseignants de la faculte des sciences juridiques, economiques et de gestion de Jendouba ont signe une motion ou ils ont exprime leur deception vis-a-vis du programme La verite ' diffuse, le 16 avril 2014, sur la chaine Hannibal.
THE CEBU Chapter of La Chaine des Rotisseurs held a brilliant induction gala at the Pacific Ballroom of the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel.
Cette saison, la chaine MEDI1TV servira a ses telespectateurs une brochette riche que variee en programmation.
La chaine hoteliere Ritz-Carlton lancera 15 nouveaux hotels, dont cinq au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique, pour porter les etablissements a son enseigne a 100 hotels d'ici 2016.
L a chaine Arryadia, creee en 2006, attire quotidiennement plus de 3 millions de telespectateurs, a affirme lundi a Rabat le directeur de la chaine Hassan Boutabsil.