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a. The backbone or spine, especially of an animal.
b. A cut of meat containing part of the backbone.
2. A ridge or crest.
3. Nautical The line of intersection between the side and bottom of a flatbottom or V-bottom boat.
tr.v. chined, chin·ing, chines
To cut (a carcass, for example) through the spine, as when butchering.

[Middle English, from Old French eschine, of Germanic origin; see skei- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
INGREDIENTS One 1.8kg/4lb lean rib of beef, Frenchtrimmed and chined (cut across the backbone), boneless rib, or topside joint; salt and freshly milled black pepper; large bunch fresh thyme leaves; 1-2tbsp olive oil; 1tbsp plain flour; 300ml/1/2pint stout; 150ml/1/4 pint good, hot beef stock.
Ladies in Beef is an organisation set up by female farmers to promote beef as part of a healthy and balanced ROAST RIB OF BEEF WITH STOUT GRAVY INGREDIENTS 1.8kg/4lb lean rib of beef, Frenchtrimmed and chined (cut across the backbone), boneless rib, or topside joint; and freshly milled black pepper; bunch fresh thyme leaves; 1-2tbsp oil; 1tbsp plain flour; 300ml/1/2pint stout; 150ml/1/4 pint good, hot beef stock.
ROAST RIB OF BEEF WITH STOUT GRAVY INGREDIENTS One 1.8kg/4lb lean rib of beef, Frenchtrimmed and chined (cut across the backbone), boneless rib, or topside joint; salt and freshly milled black pepper; large bunch fresh thyme leaves; 1-2tbsp olive oil; 1tbsp plain flour; 300ml/1/2pint stout; 150ml/1/4 pint good, hot beef stock.
His Tempest model includes a moderately chined hull, which allows him to maneuver in rougher conditions, plus a low deck and bow, for speed and smoothness, as well as retractable skeg system that helps the boat adjust to wind and current conditions.
Silver points are ma- chined round and obturated in oval canals that will eventually lead to micro-leakage around the silver points.