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1. a clogmaker
2. (General Sporting Terms) informal Brit a soccer player who habitually fouls opponents
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Sheboygan had already flushed up to $3,000 down the figurative drain to fix the toilets due to the clogger's crimes as of March, according to TMJ-4's report.
Saturday's headliner band is Stoke-on-Trentbased folk/punk band Sons of Clogger, who, with their ukulele, fiddle, guitar, bass and drum, Cambria Band are sure to get you on your feet.
Taelor is also a competitive cheerleader, gymnast, and clogger. She has received 6 awards from school and for the past 7 years has been a straight A student.
"People thought that he was just a clogger when he first started, a player who'd kick you up in the air, but you don't play at Arsenal for all those years, in some great sides, without having some ability on the ball as well.
He was hard but fair, manly and committed without being a clogger. An inspiration who respected the game and its conventions.
17 73 Lard Long believed to be an artery clogger, not as bad as hydrogenated margarine or shortening.
Sunday night's "Welcoming Reception - A World of Rhythms" embodied the sights and sounds of a Korean percussion troupe, Spanish flamenco dancers dressed in flouncy red flowered dresses and a country clogger in overalls accompanied by fiddle and guitar.
300), well off the beaten track near the Virginia border, is the locale of some of Appalachia's richest local culture: fiddler music, "clogger" dancing, cider pressing, even black-powder demo skirmishes.
A top-notch clogger like Nichole eats plenty of healthful foods to stay in shape.
Clogger Floyd King, known to friends as "Flos," joined Queen's team when he was only 16.
I'm glad Pearce hasn't put any powerhouse players in his midfield, because the days of having an aggressive tackler in your team and a clogger at the back are gone on the international front.
Nobody wants a return to the days when a clogger needed to practically decapitate an opponent to earn a ticking off from the referee.