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Related to cocking: cocking a snook
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cock 1

a. An adult male chicken; a rooster.
b. An adult male of various other birds.
2. A weathervane shaped like a rooster; a weathercock.
3. A faucet or valve by which the flow of a liquid or gas can be regulated.
a. The hammer of a firearm.
b. The position of the hammer of a firearm when ready for firing.
5. A tilting or jaunty turn upward: the cock of a hat.
6. Vulgar Slang
a. The penis.
b. A man or boy regarded as mean or contemptible.
7. Archaic The characteristic cry of a rooster early in the morning.
tr.v. cocked, cock·ing, cocks
1. To set the hammer of (a firearm) in a position ready for firing.
2. To set (a device, such as a camera shutter) in a position ready for use.
3. To tilt or turn up or to one side, usually in a jaunty or alert manner: cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question.
4. To raise in preparation to throw or hit: cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.
cock of the walk
An overbearing or domineering person.

[Middle English cok, from Old English cocc, probably from Late Latin coccus, from coco, a cackling, of imitative origin.]

cock 2

A cone-shaped pile of straw or hay.
tr.v. cocked, cock·ing, cocks
To arrange (straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.

[Middle English cok.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
I advanced to Morgan's side, cocking my piece as I moved.
Lowering and cocking the hammer manually carries the risk of having the hammer slip from under the thumb.
The XR's integrated Riser Step (RS) Tread design eliminates the need for a protruding foot stirrup by using a ribbed section inside the riser to secure the rig during the cocking process.
Police on Wednesday claimed to have arrested a gang who manufacturing contaminated cocking oil through bones and cholesterol of dead animals near Upper Chenab Canal in the jurisdiction of Airport Police Station.
The Versa Draw Cocking System[TM] allows for easier cocking/un-cocking.
At a Nursing and Midwifery Council hearing in Cardiff yesterday, a panel dismissed five other charges relating to Mrs Cocking's alleged failure to carry out a routine examination, complete forms and wrongly continue to administer labour-inducing drugs.
Thanks for your two articles on this ("Crossbow Crank Cocking System," January 2013 and "Making a Custom Crossbow Cocking Aid," November 2011.) I did not realize that they were allowed for hunting now.
They require full effort the instant the lever starts to compress the spring, unlike airguns with coiled steel springs that start out easy and gradually build up resistance the farther the cocking lever is pushed.
STEVE RUSHWORTH and Richard Cocking are to be honoured by the Drakes Huddersfield Cricket League when they are presented with the Lady Sykes Candlesticks.
Cocking the Oval field , so Named after a chunk Was sectioned off to accommodate Landlord Lord Bessborough's Mountain Grove deciduous wood.
The damage is caused by the cocking actuator bracket lever not being fully engaged in the left side of the receiver slot.
Not that I did any "cocking", as I believe it to be illegal, although no one seems to have told the cocks, who will fight like sugary.