

capable of being coded
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In describing the "search for the codable moment," Boyatzis (1998) believed that "recognizing an important moment (seeing) precedes encoding it (seeing it as something), which in turn precedes interpretation.
the feedback was not codable) from the notes provided by the interviewer and the observer.
As I measured the data as discrete, codable units, I made a conscious decision to ignore the fact that the language was both contaminated by meaning and rife with meaning deferred.
We hope to collaborate with the Newseum in the future on a searchable, codable archive.
Of participants who generated codable rules, those in the shape condition only generated shape-based rules (n= 2 6, 100 %) while those in the semantic condition generated both semantic based (n = 23, 65.7 %) and shaped based (n = 12, 34.3 %) rules.
If there are no coding opportunities, the node does not wait for the arrival of a matching codable packet.
One or more meaningful concepts from the 18 items could not be coded by using ICF; the first part was codable whereas the second part was not codable (nc).
Of the 909 participants, 881 (97 percent) answered the "view of self" question of whom 825 (94 percent) had a codable response and were included in the statistical analyses.
(2004), it was assumed that the frequency of mentioning a particular idea or theme reflected its salience or importance for the parents; thus, frequency of mentioning a codable theme was scored in the case of the two questions: (1) "What do you think is more important for the development of your child?" and (2) "In what ways do you think play contributes to the development of your child?" Responses derived from the third question, "What do you think of children's play?," were scored in a manner reflecting the percentage of respondents who mentioned each category.
As can be seen in Table 1, moral concern was the most frequent codable response (36%).