

a small coffer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"The coffret , Monsieur d'Artagnan, is my own present.
D'Artagnan, intoxicated with joy, made a sign to the messenger, who approached, with his coffret in his hands.
Then, more tranquilly, he turned towards the coffret , which Colbert's envoy held out to him.
D'Artagnan was holding out his hand to open the coffret , when a ball from the city crushed the coffret in the arms of the officer, struck D'Artagnan full in the chest, and knocked him down upon a sloping heap of earth, whilst the fleur-de-lised baton , escaping from the broken box, came rolling under the powerless hand of the marechal .
* L'Elixir des Glaciers, Valmont's most prestigious skin care range, presents Blue Dragon ($775), its 2018 limited edition coffret that houses a jar of Valmont's most exclusive and luxurious anti-aging face cream, l'Elixir des Glaciers Votre Visage.
Ce dernier est aujourd'hui complete avec un second tome repartis en trois ouvrages, le tout reunit dans un coffret. Cette seconde partie d'une existence vouee au travail, lui meme dedie au savoir et a la culture universitaire comme tremplin au developpement et a l'epanouissement du pays dans tous leurs contours, s'intitule ''Le combat democratique''.
Fans of Thierry's Angel scent will be pleased to see this coffret, which includes body lotion, body cream and shower gel, along with the fragrance.
Nestled inside My Cointreau Fizz Coffret (PS95, is a carnet to jot down cocktail recipes, the limited-edition scarf and bar essentials such as a bottle of Cointreau, jigger and glasses to enjoy a Cointreau Fizz at home...
Cire Trudon Odeurs D'Hiver Coffret Set, PS160, Amara, CUTTING EDGE Tools of the trade, professional knives can be make or break in the kitchen and these four essential blades from Opinel, with their trademark wooden handles, will take the task out of paring, peeling and slicing over the holidays.
The recently launched line can be carried as an exclusive product and used during turn down service as a mini eau de toilette and VIP coffret.
Mohamed Amara, president de l'association Oujda Arts, organisatrice du festival international du Rai d'Oujda, a remis a SM le Roi un coffret contenant le programme de la huitieme edition du festival, qui aura lieu du 08 au 16 aout prochain, ainsi que l'enregistrement de la derniere edition de cette manifestation.