
(redirected from colures)
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Related to colures: solstitial colure


(kəˈlʊə; ˈkəʊlʊə)
(Astronomy) either of two great circles on the celestial sphere, one of which passes through the celestial poles and the equinoxes and the other through the poles and the solstices
[C16: from Late Latin colūrī (plural), from Greek kolourai cut short, dock-tailed, from kolos docked + oura tail; so called because the view of the lower part is curtailed]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Try the test I told thee of, Sancho," said Don Quixote, "and don't mind any other, for thou knowest nothing about colures, lines, parallels, zodiacs, ecliptics, poles, solstices, equinoxes, planets, signs, bearings, the measures of which the celestial and terrestrial spheres are composed; if thou wert acquainted with all these things, or any portion of them, thou wouldst see clearly how many parallels we have cut, what signs we have seen, and what constellations we have left behind and are now leaving behind.
By Night he fled, and at Midnight return'd From compassing the Earth, cautious of day, Since URIEL Regent of the Sun descri'd His entrance, and forewarnd the Cherubim That kept thir watch; thence full of anguish driv'n, The space of seven continu'd Nights he rode With darkness, thrice the Equinoctial Line He circl'd, four times cross'd the Carr of Night From Pole to Pole, traversing each Colure; On the eighth return'd, and on the Coast averse From entrance or Cherubic Watch, by stealth Found unsuspected way.
In Sudan find various kinds of Gum-Arabic trees such as Acacia Senegal gum that use in reducing rates of patients of Kidney Failure, frankincense- gum that use in manufacturing drugs of Chest diseases and Asthma treatment and Al-Talah Gum for producing cosmetics and colures. In addition, Gum -Arabic use in many other pharmaceutical and nutrition, while States of Western Europe considers traditional market for Gum Arabic.
Amidest cheers and applause by the audience, formations of Sherdils presented breathtaking aerobatic maneuvers spreading a range of colures in the skies.
Speaking to media persons, Additional IG Karachi Ghulam Qadir Thebo said if the traders voluntarily pull their shutters down, the police will not object but in case of forcible colures, arson and violence police would strongly respond.
Noteworthy here is their analysis of how Newton dated the Argonautic Expedition by correlating it with the passage of the colures, the meridians of the celestial sphere that intersect each other at the poles and pass through the equinoxes and solstices, respectively.
was shown in the whiteSP (WSP) sample, at range of (111.18 [+ or -] 0.71-42.90 [+ or -] 0.63) [micro]g/g DW, for the whole four weeks of storage [12] also detected the total carotanoid content in different colures of sweet potato and found that the highest carotenoid content was consistently exists in orange sweet potato, with low to very carotenoids in yellow and white sweet potato.