

resembling a comb
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
She would show the glittering arch of her upper third, occasionally, and scrape it along behind the comblike row; sometimes a pinnacle stood straight up, like a statuette of ebony, against that glittering white shield, then seemed to glide out of it by its own volition and power, and become a dim specter, while the next pinnacle glided into its place and blotted the spotless disk with the black exclamation-point of its presence.
Zhao, "Synthesis and properties of monocleavable amphiphilic comblike copolymers with alternating PEG and PCL grafts," Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol.
with six gill openings; eyes small; snout short, acutely to bluntly pointed; lower jaw with large, comblike teeth; upper jaw with narrow long-cusped teeth; only one dorsal fin, placed far posterior on back; anal fin is located behind the dorsal fin; caudal peduncle short and stout; caudal fin strongly asymmetrical, has long dorsal lobe with a subterminal notch and very short ventral lobe; body colour dark-gray above, paler below.
Characteristic comblike new bone formation at the adjacent cortex is not present in parosteal osteosarcoma.
The key component in this process is the reed, the comblike part of a loom that usually keeps warp threads separate and evenly spaced.
They have articulate, humanlike hands and special anatomy evolved for grooming, including an array of comblike teeth and a creepily serrated second tongue.
Both males and females have uniformly barred plumage, and the males have orange comblike feathers over their eyes and dark, elongated head feathers that can be raised or laid along their neck.
asymmetrical parempodia, large, semicircular pulvillum arising from inner surface of a claw, comblike row of trichia on pulvillum, and narrow, tongue-shaped metathoracic scent efferent system.
Scape of antenna dark brown dorsally, yellowish-white ventro-anteriorly, without pecten; flagellum with long specialized hairs on its basal half: slightly curled, yellowish-brown bristle-like hairs at base, as long as scape, followed by extremely long hair-pencils which brownish basal 1/4 and yellowish-white beyond, and then with yellowish brown short, comblike scales, shorter towards distal end of the part; apical eighth dark brown with white apex (Fig.
Instead, Algeripithecus's jawbone has a long, thin formation, which the study says is "entirely compatible" with a "toothcomb," comblike lower front teeth used for grooming-common in strepsirhines, including modern lemurs.
The boundary layer is generally turbulent, and several features exist to enhance turbulence (thereby preventing stalling), such as the surface of feathers, (5) the differences of air transmissivity between feathers (especially at the leading edge of the wing), (6) and the comblike leading edges of owls' feathers.