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 (kŏz′mĭk) also cos·mi·cal (-mĭ-kəl)
1. Of or relating to the regions of the universe distinct from Earth.
2. Infinitely or inconceivably extended; vast: "a coming together of heads of government to take up the cosmic business of nations" (Meg Greenfield).

[Greek kosmikos, from kosmos, universe.]

cos′mi·cal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


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Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In their turn, again, these rings of cosmical matter, excited by a rotary motion about the central mass, would have been broken up and decomposed into secondary nebulosities, that is to say, into planets.
This incident was more than a cosmical phenomenon; it was a threatened danger, the consequence of which might be disastrous in the extreme.
Of the enormous and much-dreaded globe there remained nothing but these fragments carried in all directions, now become asteroids in their turn, some flaming like a sword, some surrounded by a whitish cloud, and others leaving behind them trains of brilliant cosmical dust.
There was something cosmical about it; a standing advertisement, till forbidden, of the everlasting vigor and fertility of the world.
Plasma convection in force-free magnetic fields as a mechanism for chemical separation in cosmical plasma.
In [1,5], Akbar and Cai reversed the formulation by rewriting the Friedmann equations into the heat balance equation and the unified first law of thermodynamics at the cosmical apparent horizon, for General Relativity (GR), Gauss-Bonnet, and Lovelock gravity.
"The cosmical importance of this conclusion is profound and the possibilities it opens for the future are very remarkable - greater, in fact, than any suggested before by science in the whole history of the human race."
From the earliest traceable cosmical changes down to the latest results of civilization, we shall find that the transformation of the homogeneous [simple] into the heterogeneous [complex], is that in which Progress essentially consists.
Similarly, Poe inherited from the Newtonian model the idea that man is a privileged "member of the cosmical family of Intelligences," for whose evolution towards perfection the very Universe he inhabits was created (Beaver 1976: 397).
In his 1904 treatise on 'The Observation of Variable Stars', (72) Markwick commented on the increasing interest in variables shown by professionals in the emerging branch of astrophysics: 'The study of variable stars is becoming more and more important, as the causes of which the light variations are due lie deep in the domain of cosmical physics, and in fact form some of the leading phenomena of the universe of stars ...
No es esta tambien la actitud de Vasconcelos en la Raza cosmical" (Souto Alabarce, xv)
Well before you start hatin' maybe you should ask yourself this, what is a cosmical galaxy for and why did my dad give me 20 bucks for his Porsche?