
(redirected from crepey)


(ˈkreɪpɪ) or


adj, -ier or -iest
(esp of the skin) having a dry wrinkled appearance like crepe
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Treatments include laser to help with brown spots and crepey skin, or dermal fillers to plump hands that have lost volume with age.
Treatments include lasers to help with brown spots and crepey skin, or dermal fillers to plump hands that have lost volume with age.
"This is likely due to the fact we are so much more aware and invested in facial aesthetics now, and want other exposed areas - such as the neck and hands - to match." Treatments include laser to help with brown spots and crepey skin, or dermal fillers to plump hands that have lost volume with age.
Hooper, who often uses it for crepey skin under the eyes as an add-on to other treatments.
"Hey, Andre, what's so fascinating about my neck?" Lisa interrupts, nudging him graciously, but he merely squints and resumes his inspection, now below the necklace in a swatch of crepey freckles that points like an arrow to the deep valley cleaving her fleshy masses.
Profractional laser procedures have the added effect of improving facial scars like severe acne scarring; plus, it does wonders for thin, wrinkled, crepey skin.
From disguising unwanted imperfections, being equipped to provide killer lips, to fighting the evil signs of aging and crepey skin, these materials protect against one's Kryptonite to offer a more beautiful and heroine-like appearance.
And while not recommending the flaunting of crepey crevices, I have friends over 50 with fabulously milky decolletages.
Thus, it's highly recommended for those with tired-looking eyes, excess skin on the upper eyelid, crepey texture of eyelids, wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.
A taupe or bronze smokey eye looks great with black or tortoiseshell frames - Chase recommends matte or cream shadows, not shimmer, as they look crepey under lenses.
Its exfoliating properties eliminate the rough, dry, and crepey skin characteristic of aging.
On the body RF skin tightening can be utilized to reduce stretch marks, flabby skin, crepey skin, cellulite and overall improve the skin.