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(Animals) a European cyprinid fish, Carassius carassius, with a dark-green back, a golden-yellow undersurface, and reddish dorsal and tail fins: an aquarium fish
[C18: from Low German Karusse]
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Making it two wins on the bounce, Ray Jarvis poled bread punch off peg six, netting a llb crucian plus skimmers for 5-15-7.
A total of 11,000 roach, bream, tench, crucian carp and rudd were released by the Environment Agency in lakes and ponds.
Thus, 1,072.9 tons of sprat, 112.4 tons of omul, 85.4 tons of grey mullet, 82.3 tons of herring, 69.4 tons of Caspian roach, 54.7 tons of bream, 48.2 tons of carp, 30.7 tons of crucian carp, 21.2 tons of pike perch, 5 tons of sheatfish, 3.1 tons of asp and 15.2 tons of other fish were caught.
The Crucian Lake was pegged and the next two catches weighed 24lb 4oz and 19lb 4oz and were taken by Gordon Smith and Neil Daniels.
An Environment Agency officer tested the water at the ponds (pictured) at Newsome Mills in Hart Street which is filled with perch, tench, roach, common carp and crucian carp.
Hebron Lakes is showing improving form, with maggot accounting for lots of small fish, while expander pellets are tempting larger roach and crucian carp.
Now the Environment Agency has stocked bream, tench and crucian carp to provide more variety for anglers and encourage participation at the fishery.
Yet goldfish and their wild relatives, crucian carp, can survive for days, even months, in oxygen-free water at the bottom of ice-covered ponds.
It is amazing." Lactic acid is a by-product when muscles use carbohydrates to create energy but only goldfish and crucian carp, which are related, are known to convert it to alcohol.
This month is "Catch a Crucian " month with four photographic competitions taking place and the best three in each going into a final judging.
Dace, chub, roach, crucian carp and rudd will be freed as part of the Environment Agency's ongoing plans to develop and restore rivers and lakes in the region.