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a. A drug or course of medical treatment used to restore health: discovered a new cure for ulcers.
b. Restoration of health; recovery from disease: the likelihood of cure.
c. Something that corrects or relieves a harmful or disturbing situation: The cats proved to be a good cure for our mouse problem.
2. Ecclesiastical Spiritual charge or care, as of a priest for a congregation.
3. The office or duties of a curate.
4. The act or process of preserving a product.
v. cured, cur·ing, cures
a. To cause to be free of a disease or unhealthy condition: medicine that cured the patient of gout.
b. To cause to be free of, to lose interest in, or to stop doing something: a remark that cured me of the illusion that I might be a good singer; a bad reaction that cured him of the desire to smoke cigars; a visit to the dentist that cured her of eating sweets.
2. To eliminate (a disease, for example) from the body by medical or other treatment; cause recovery from: new antibiotics to cure infections.
3. To remove or remedy (something harmful or disturbing): cure a social evil.
4. To preserve (meat, for example), as by salting, smoking, or aging.
5. To prepare, preserve, or finish (a substance) by a chemical or physical process.
6. To vulcanize (rubber).
1. To effect a cure or recovery: a drug that cures without side effects.
2. To be prepared, preserved, or finished by a chemical or physical process: hams curing in the smokehouse.

[Middle English, from Old French, medical treatment, from Latin cūra, from Archaic Latin coisa-.]

cure′less adj.
cur′er n.


 (kyo͝o-rā′, kyo͝or′ā′)
A parish priest, especially in a French-speaking community.

[French, from Old French, from Medieval Latin cūrātus; see curate1.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"It is no more than I expected," cries the doctor: "but pray what symptoms have appeared since I left you?"--"No good ones, I am afraid," replied Thwackum: "after what past at our departure, I think there were little hopes." The bodily physician, perhaps, misunderstood the curer of souls; and before they came to an explanation, Mr Blifil came to them with a most melancholy countenance, and acquainted them that he brought sad news, that his mother was dead at Salisbury; that she had been seized on the road home with the gout in her head and stomach, which had carried her off in a few hours.
There is not only the herd, but the shearer and brander, and then the dresser, the curer, the dyer, the fuller, the webster, the merchant, and a score of others."
--Though it call itself 'nobility.' But there all is false and foul, above all the blood--thanks to old evil diseases and worse curers.
Pour sa part, la chargee d'etudes et de synthese au niveau du meme ministere, Nora Ziani, a rappele l'existence d'un programme preventif mettant a contribution l'ensemble des operateurs concernes afin de curer les reseaux d'assainissement et de les preparer ainsi aux periodes de crue.
Sam Johnson admits Glasgow was the curer that set him on the road to Scotland stardom - because it ended his hangover habit.
Nina trusts him as a "curer of despair" (O'Donnell 37) because he can understand the source of it: two-ness (221).
Shaking in the morning, when I think back I was ever so sick, Baulking and wretching, till I had a curer, Day-by-day, my health got poorer, When I think back to those dangerous days, If I'd never met you I'd have never changed my ways.
Charlotte Makee meets an elderly Coast Miowok curer in the hills of Marin County, California.
But if there's a medication that's extraordinarily valuable, saves the health care system money, saves lives, reduces suffering, and helps patients live longer and contribute more, we should encourage insurers to cover these treatments instead of condemning the curer based on a singular focus on a drug's list price.
Culatello, an obscure charcuterie rarely known outside its Po Valley and Emilia-Romagna home, produced only between October and March in the town of Polesine Parmense, is considered by many to be the pinnacle of the meat curer's art.