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A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids, equal to one cubic foot per second.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Units) a unit of flow equal to 1 cubic foot per second. 1 cusec is equivalent to 0.028 317 cubic metre per second
[C20: from cu(bic foot per) sec(ond)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkyu sɛk)

a unit of flow of one cubic foot per second.
[1910–15; cu(bic foot per)sec(ond)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 304800 cusecs and Outflows 302200 cusecs, Kabul at Nowshera: Inflows 61300 cusecs and Outflows 61300 cusecs, Jhelum at Mangla: Inflows 49200 cusecs and Outflows 10000 cusecs, Chenab at Marala: Inflows 87000 cusecs and Outflows 59700 cusecs.
As on Saturday, Irsa was releasing 127,500 cusec to Punjab (+6 percent), 158,000 cusec to Sindh (+13 percent), 14,000 cusec to Balochistan and 3100 cusec to Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KP).
Due to rains in the catchment area for the first time in ongoing kharif that river inflows crossed the figure of 5 Lakh cusecs, said spokesman IRSA.
Barrages: Jinnah: Inflows 178400 cusecs and Outflows 170000 cusecs, Chashma: Inflows: 181100 cusecs and Outflows 159800 cusecs, Taunsa: Inflows 174200 cusecs and Outflows 153000 cusecs, Panjnad: Inflows 45300 cusecs and Outflows 28800 cusecs, Guddu: Inflows 168800 cusecs and Outflows 137300 cusecs, Sukkur: Inflows 133100 cusecs and Outflows 79300 cusecs, Kotri: Inflows 70300 cusecs and Outflows 55900 cusecs.
Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 309400 cusecs and Outflows 229500 cusecs, Kabul at Nowshera: Inflows 98400 cusecs and Outflows 98400 cusecs, Jhelum at Mangla: Inflows 56200 cusecs and Outflows 10000 cusecs, Chenab at Marala: Inflows 136900 cusecs and Outflows 111200 cusecs.
Barrages: Jinnah: Inflows 71600 cusecs and Outflows 67600 cusecs, Chashma: Inflows 69200 cusecs and Outflows 61000 cusecs, Taunsa: Inflows 58700 cusecs and Outflows 50700 cusecs, Panjnad:Inflows 2000 cusecs and Outflows Nil cusecs Guddu: Inflows 39800 cusecs and Outflows 33300 cusecs, Sukkur: Inflows 29200 cusecs and Outflows 6000, Kotri: Inflows 3700 cusecs and Outflows Nil.
Barrages: Jinnah: Inflows 213,700 cusecs and Outflows 205,700 cusecs, Chashma: Inflows 218,400 cusecs and Outflows 190,000 cusecs, Taunsa: Inflows 186,400 cusecs and Outflows 165,800 cusecs, Panjnad: Inflows 48,800 cusecs and Outflows 34,200 cusecs, Guddu: Inflows 256,000 cusecs and Outflows 227,300 cusecs, Sukkur: Inflows 205,400 cusecs and Outflows 149,800 cusecs, Kotri: Inflows 52,300 cusecs and Outflows 10,500.
Barrages: Jinnah: Inflows 32300 cusecs and Outflows 30300 cusecs, Chashma: Inflows 24900 cusecs and Outflows 23000 cusecs, Taunsa: Inflows 23200 cusecs and Outflows 21200 cusecs, Panjnad: Inflows 200 and Outflows Nil cusecs Guddu: Inflows 16000 cusecs and Outflows 13100 cusecs, Sukkur: Inflows 13100 cusecs and Outflows 4300, Kotri: Inflows 3000 cusecs and Outflows Nil.
Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 275700 cusecs and Outflows 160000 cusecs, Kabul at Nowshera: Inflows 100000 cusecs and Outflows 100000 cusecs, Jhelum at Mangla: Inflows 61400 cusecs and Outflows 12000 cusecs, Chenab at Marala: Inflows 84100 cusecs and Outflows 54300 cusecs.
He said all provincial indents were met in full 61,500 cusces water was released to Punjab, 50,000 cusecs to SIndh, 3100 cusecs to Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 300 cusecs to Balochistan for Kachhi canal only.
Kabul at Nowshera: Inflows 14600 cusecs and Outflows 14600 cusecs, Jhelum at Mangla: Inflows 13600 cusecs and Outflows 60000 cusecs, Chenab at Marala: Inflows 7300 cusecs and Outflows 2700 cusecs.
Rivers: Indus at Tarbela: Inflows 114000 cusecs and Outflows 120000 cusecs, Kabul at Nowshera: Inflows 67100 cusecs and Outflows 67100 cusecs, Jhelum at Mangla: Inflows 51600 cusecs and Outflows 70000 cusecs, Chenab at Marala: Inflows 45800 cusecs and Outflows 15300 cusecs.