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(Architecture) a variant spelling of dacha
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdɑ tʃə)

n., pl. -chas.
a Russian country house or villa.
[1895–1900; < Russian: orig., allotment of land]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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That anonymity didn't last long on this side of the English Channel, when canny cash-strapped car buyers discovered what this hard-topronounce car brand (it's DATCHA, by the way) had to offer on the value-for-money front.
That anonymity didn't last long on this side of the English Channel when canny cash-strapped car buyers discovered what this hard to pronounce car brand (it's DATCHA by the way) had to offer.
So Dacia (it's pronounced datcha, by the way, and meant 'home' in ancient Romanian, so they tell me) has achieved the seemingly impossible.
A memorial event is also being planned in Turkey where her favourite places was Icmeler, on the Datcha peninsula, not far from Marmaris.
He opened Zuma Datcha Peninsula in south Turkey two months after Zuma Abu Dhabi, and oversaw the operations of Zuma Istanbul, which is now on a refurbishment programme.
Traven, La Datcha en Russie de 19177t nos jours (Paris: Editions du Sextant, 2005).
J'ai eu des problemes cet ete parce que la parcelle mitoyenne de sa datcha [typique maison de campagne russe] etait en vente et ils souhaitaient l'acheter.
Dacia - pronounced Datcha - has been transformed under the Renault banner to the point that it has sold 1.25 million vehicles in the past five years, thanks to a cocktail of price, space and equipment.
Tambien tiene forma circular la intraduccion de la ultima estrofa del poema de Maiakovski que el propio Campos tradujo con el titulo "A extraordinaria aventura vivida por Vladimir Maiakovski no verao na Datcha" y que aparece como una composicion independiente titulada "Sol":
The European mission has established its general quarters in a building previously reserved for official receptions in a residential park in the heights of Tbilisi, not far from the former datcha belonging to Shevardnadze, the first president of independent Georgia (and last minister of foreign affairs in the URSS under Gorbachev).
Ronan Hervouet, Datcha Blues: Existences ordinaires et dictature en Bielorussie.